Questions for Gord Allott

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Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 52929 task bar moved 2008-11-29 10:27:20 UTC Sean Ubuntu Solved
Solved 52084 Different window managers on each screen. 2008-11-21 10:57:58 UTC Matt Collins compiz in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 51517 can we have graphical equaliser for totem as in audacious it is built in 2008-11-16 07:25:33 UTC Rajinder Sandhu, Bangalore totem in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 51131 I have downloaded Google Earth. I am a novice. How do I install? 2008-11-12 13:03:03 UTC Frank Ubuntu Solved
Solved 50928 Totem Video Player playes youtube's videos in low quality only 2008-11-10 18:54:40 UTC Ben M. totem in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 50840 Wine problem in Ubuntu 8.10, not in 8.04 2008-11-10 01:52:51 UTC Hans wine in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 50672 Ubuntu 8.10 Update Problem 2008-11-08 14:56:14 UTC daved update-manager in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 50661 Im not sure what to do 2008-11-08 12:42:11 UTC jordan Ubuntu Solved
Solved 50564 Upgrading to 8.10 2008-11-07 16:49:41 UTC ewrede Ubuntu Solved
Solved 50534 When the package for Hardy will be updated? 2008-11-07 13:01:12 UTC Ofir Klinger conduit in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 50041 gcc-3.3 in ubuntu 8.10 intrepid 2008-11-03 17:02:19 UTC beatbm gcc-defaults in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 50005 Would like to report a bug in ubuntu 2008-11-03 12:46:03 UTC SpinningAround Ubuntu Solved
Solved 49995 difference beween Ubuntu & Kubuntu 2008-11-03 12:05:30 UTC Luis M.Jacinto Ubuntu Solved
Solved 49660 Formatting new (RAW) hard drives 2008-10-31 23:46:03 UTC Teza gparted in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 49603 Ubuntu 8.10 - Need to reconfigure X from command line 2008-10-31 13:13:55 UTC Chaz Hopkins xorg in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 49594 If Ubuntu 8.10 ships with Gnome 2.24, why Ekiga 3 isn't part of it? 2008-10-31 10:04:11 UTC Andrea Grandi ekiga in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 49372 Tracker could not index .doc files by default (Intrepid) 2008-10-29 10:42:14 UTC Ronny Becker tracker in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 49174 Window list size question 2008-10-27 10:44:22 UTC Sbn Ubuntu Solved
Solved 49173 can I upgrade from Ubuntu to Kubuntu 2008-10-27 10:41:59 UTC Neil Ubuntu Solved
Solved 49107 how do I install the latest version of compiz fuzion 2008-10-26 17:26:18 UTC crakken compiz in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 48901 Installation of Linux in external hard drive. 2008-10-24 07:14:43 UTC Wilson Ubuntu Solved
Solved 48881 how to set client installer to chmod +x 2008-10-24 01:38:58 UTC Conwell Boccia Ubuntu Solved
Solved 48533 Online store exclusively for linux games? 2008-10-20 10:12:01 UTC ManuPeng Ubuntu Solved
Solved 48516 Totem Video Driver Problems - Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 2008-10-20 07:00:01 UTC Steve Alexander totem in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 48234 cant play chess 2008-10-17 00:40:26 UTC john Ubuntu Solved
Solved 47614 HighMemory Support 2008-10-10 07:53:41 UTC sangprabv Ubuntu Solved
Solved 47315 Ubuntu (Edgy): Synaptic error - CAN NOT UPDATE 2008-10-06 23:00:07 UTC UXProphetas Ubuntu Solved
Solved 47210 Speed up booting via compiling bash scripts? 2008-10-05 18:25:48 UTC TGM Ubuntu Solved
Solved 47151 gcompris voices package 2008-10-04 21:39:05 UTC larry stevens gcompris in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 47108 Why /home/myusername is not fully encrypted and a separate directory is created? 2008-10-04 09:41:11 UTC Mikko Ohtamaa ecryptfs-utils in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 46585 6.02 on an iBook 2008-09-28 17:30:56 UTC woodcarver Ubuntu Solved
Solved 46426 what do i need to do to enable ubuntu 8.04 visual effects 2008-09-26 19:54:11 UTC chris compiz in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 46116 Joined Ubuntu Artwork Team, Need some advice 2008-09-23 17:29:57 UTC Juvencio Ubuntu Solved
Solved 45982 top menubar moved to left edge 2008-09-22 17:24:51 UTC Ben Gardiner gnome-panel in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 36905 where i can find wine 2008-06-21 02:10:41 UTC GODSMACK Ubuntu Solved
Solved 36787 How do I setup/use SSH? 2008-06-20 00:06:47 UTC Michael James Ubuntu Solved
Solved 36690 Well i have a friend that is using a MAc right now-but is not the new OS but the old one. 2008-06-19 01:24:33 UTC Ermac Ubuntu Solved
Solved 35681 not getting to see ads by google in ubuntu 2008-06-09 09:04:56 UTC mayur arora Ubuntu Solved
Solved 35491 Insecure PolicyKit policy files and settings or deliberately viewable by simple users? 2008-06-07 00:53:41 UTC Savvas Radevic policykit-gnome in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 35353 problem with cc 2008-06-05 14:16:41 UTC Avinash Ubuntu Solved
Solved 35295 Boot cds have errors 2008-06-04 22:29:10 UTC spartan128 Ubuntu Solved
Solved 35273 Using seahorse: how can I get cli gpg to work? 2008-06-04 17:08:48 UTC nine Ubuntu Solved
Solved 35244 Anti virus programm needed for ubuntu? 2008-06-04 11:53:12 UTC Richard gnome-terminal in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 35227 When's 0.5.4 available? 2008-06-04 07:55:15 UTC Christian Vest Hansen pybackpack in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 35213 I have a suggestion on how to slightly change the boot scripts to mount the base device (holding squashfs image) read-write and having persistence on that same partition (live-usb) 2008-06-04 03:20:00 UTC jchennales Ubuntu Solved
Solved 35210 gutsy synaptic manager wont start 2008-06-04 02:37:52 UTC Dan Ubuntu Solved
Solved 35180 Problem Installing Program 2008-06-03 19:37:39 UTC dave241151 nautilus in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 35153 If I install Ubuntu, can I eradicate the MS XP operating system? 2008-06-03 15:33:13 UTC paul spencer Ubuntu Solved
Solved 34955 Is adobe air compatible with 8.04? 2008-06-01 23:06:36 UTC Sidarth Dasari Ubuntu Solved
Solved 34954 create icon image files 2008-06-01 22:45:56 UTC Sethra Ubuntu Solved
150 of 130 results