Questions for Carlos Perelló Marín

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Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Answered 5134 lingala plural form 2007-04-17 12:36:09 UTC Denis Moyogo Jacquerye Launchpad itself Answered
Answered 4939 translation group for efw 2007-04-12 19:06:40 UTC Peter Warasin Launchpad itself Carlos Perelló Marín Answered
Solved 4926 Any relation between Ubuntu Rosetta and the commercial product Rosetta Stone ? 2007-04-12 08:28:04 UTC John D Launchpad itself Solved
Answered 3935 newbie! How do I report translation error? 2007-02-27 16:37:26 UTC paullinux Launchpad itself Answered
Solved 3215 Group needed for Gallery Translators 2007-01-16 17:34:44 UTC Chris Kelly Launchpad itself Данило Шеган Solved
Solved 2824 uploading translations with different filenames 2006-12-15 23:00:01 UTC Jeff Fortin Tam Launchpad itself Carlos Perelló Marín Solved
Answered 2676 Please enable translations for "debian-installer" on a per-language basis 2006-12-02 14:49:18 UTC Christian Perrier Launchpad itself Answered
Answered 2616 We wish to remove Sympa from Rosetta, because we will run our own translation service. 2006-11-27 12:53:41 UTC Olivier Salaün Sympa Answered
Solved 2296 Scots language support - language-support-sco package 2006-11-01 15:48:37 UTC Alan Rae Launchpad itself Martin Pitt Solved
Solved 1930 Marking all translations as suggestion 2006-09-30 22:30:57 UTC Behnam Esfahbod "ZWNJ" Launchpad itself Carlos Perelló Marín Solved
5160 of 60 results