Questions for Agostino Russo

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Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Answered 27339 Ubuntu will not boot 2008-03-18 01:03:00 UTC Qazster Wubi Answered
Answered 11992 Why doesn't Wubi work with herd 4 2007-08-22 13:52:09 UTC James Merrilees Wubi Answered
Solved 11723 7.04.02 Source Code? 2007-08-18 07:20:24 UTC mepuntu Wubi Solved
Answered 11282 ati video mode causing bsod 2007-08-10 18:42:08 UTC wegoulet Wubi Answered
Solved 11112 recovery drive full ,cannot create recvery disc 2007-08-07 16:07:54 UTC fergie087 Wubi Solved
Answered 7755 OK basically i got past something i didnt think i could with linux's ubuntu fiesty fawn, but now it wont connect with the wireless internet even though windows will. i have to know how to get ubuntu working so that i can use it completely because other than that i really cant see any problem with it being a replacement to windows 2007-06-06 04:52:53 UTC millertime Wubi Answered
Solved 7602 problem to install 2007-06-02 19:54:48 UTC 59el Wubi Solved
Solved 7562 Ubuntu will not boot 2007-06-02 03:53:58 UTC ElkPilot Wubi Solved
Solved 7517 keyboard could not select ubundu upon reboot 2007-06-01 09:13:44 UTC kokkin Wubi Solved
Answered 7462 Wubi for Win Vista? 2007-05-31 05:05:16 UTC ThatGrrl Wubi Answered
Solved 7418 Using update-initramfs with WUBI 2007-05-30 10:34:28 UTC Cesare Tirabassi Wubi Solved
Answered 7329 Installing the Ubuntu CD using Wubi download 2007-05-28 16:30:13 UTC Richard Schaffer Wubi Answered
Solved 6305 Install Ubuntu ISO from Harddrive 2007-05-09 01:29:17 UTC DiggerP Wubi Solved
Solved 4705 Installation on hardrives with drive letter other than C. 2007-04-06 01:47:57 UTC Randeep Jalli lupin Solved
Solved 4676 Admin access to the Wubi project 2007-04-05 11:07:07 UTC Agostino Russo Launchpad itself Christian Reis Solved
Solved 4482 Bug- Allows Invalid Username 2007-03-29 21:28:07 UTC Kurt Nelson Wubi Solved
Solved 4477 "load installer component" error 2007-03-29 14:54:21 UTC dfajar2 Wubi Solved
Answered 4205 i have wubi, but when i select all stuff i dont know, cant run her 2007-03-14 21:50:18 UTC jimmy lupin Answered
Answered 4162 Installation goes to blank blue screen - Wubi-7.04-herd4-v9.exe 2007-03-12 18:49:41 UTC dreamuser lupin Answered
Solved 4125 Password error in wubi 7.04-herd4-v1 2007-03-10 19:28:04 UTC ecology2007 Wubi Solved
5170 of 70 results