Questions for Sebastián Perruolo

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Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 294384 No virtual consoles on Ubuntu 16.04 2016-05-26 14:39:22 UTC Sebastián Perruolo Ubuntu Solved
Answered 138366 No me permite abrir ninguna carpeta, ya sea descargas o cualquier otra me dice, archivador no soportado 2010-12-19 16:52:59 UTC toño file-roller in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 137957 Necesito lanzador de Open Office 3.2 2010-12-16 02:22:06 UTC José Luis Verrastro nautilus in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 130454 empathy won't connect msn 2010-10-20 21:49:32 UTC Giuseppe D'Andrea empathy in Ubuntu Answered
Solved 127948 Cómo agrego español a la corrección ortográfica? 2010-10-04 21:57:48 UTC Juan Montoya Ubuntu Solved
Answered 121609 El sonido de los altavoces deja de funcionar cuando conecto los auriculares 2010-08-18 01:04:43 UTC Benja Medina Ubuntu Answered
Solved 93237 synchronize folders with gnome-vfs 2009-12-07 21:06:43 UTC Sebastián Perruolo gnome-vfs in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 54261 rhythmbox se cierra inesperadamente 2008-12-12 15:59:56 UTC Sebastián Perruolo rhythmbox in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 50572 twinkle: el sonido se escucha entrecortado 2008-11-07 17:31:31 UTC Sebastián Perruolo yelp in Ubuntu Solved
Answered 137921 sonido 5.1 2008-10-10 01:55:55 UTC Minor Ubuntu Answered
Solved 39330 twinkle sound 2008-07-15 20:50:37 UTC avni ramadani yelp in Ubuntu Solved
111 of 11 results