Questions for ga as

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 235287 folders disappear when i log out 2013-09-06 22:32:52 UTC Kathy E Ubuntu Solved
Answered 207685 How to repair O.S. (Ubuntu 12.04)? 2012-09-04 18:49:58 UTC Navin Talati ubiquity in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 154479 How do I create a pattern? 2011-04-27 20:38:14 UTC carla Inkscape Answered
Solved 94097 How to set up wireless connection on HP nx8220 laptop. I have intel Pro Wireless card on my laptop. 2009-12-14 22:53:40 UTC uachtarain gnome-nettool in Ubuntu Solved
14 of 4 results