Questions for Jimmy Rönnholm

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Answered 28373 Can't get "last used option" working 2008-03-29 22:02:48 UTC Kyashan StartUp-Manager Answered
Answered 24049 Broken usplah black screen 2008-02-06 19:48:05 UTC Eikichi StartUp-Manager Answered
Answered 22027 An unlucky user : unable to reboot the system 2008-01-12 18:44:21 UTC archi02 StartUp-Manager Answered
Answered 20960 Startup manager w/ splashy crash on debian Lenny 2007-12-29 21:50:29 UTC Kael_ StartUp-Manager Answered
Solved 19540 Question about resolution 2007-12-07 16:12:27 UTC k4p741n krunch StartUp-Manager Solved
Solved 14257 how do you use startup manager? 2007-09-30 02:14:13 UTC k_chupe StartUp-Manager Solved
Answered 13649 StartUp-Manager Boot-Problem 2007-09-18 23:47:46 UTC ichadam StartUp-Manager Answered
17 of 7 results