Questions for ubuntu-release-upgrader in Ubuntu

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Summary Created Submitter Assignee Status
Solved 705782 do-release-upgrade fails when upgrading to 22.04 "An unresolvable problem occurred" 2023-03-09 15:44:54 UTC Luca Hermes Solved
Solved 705151 I was updating my ubuntu version 22.04 to 22.10 but it was getting stopped with error cause of something like, "Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu Please use the tool 'ppa-purge' from the ppa-purge package to remove software from a Launchpad PPA and try the upgrade again." 2023-02-23 16:03:01 UTC Yax Prajapati Solved
Answered 705144 What is the correct package for reporting an upgrade bug with apport-cli? 2023-02-23 07:48:22 UTC Lin Manfu Answered
Answered 704244 soft lockup -CPU#11 struck for 186s! 2022-12-31 14:14:08 UTC Naincy pandit Answered
Solved 704223 How to upgrade xenial for powerpc to its latest version? 2022-12-28 13:12:19 UTC Pol Vangheluwe Solved
Solved 703237 Cannot upgrade 20.04.3 LTS ot 22.04.1 LTS 2022-09-19 22:20:18 UTC Robert Navarro Solved
Solved 702823 can't upgrade - not clear what ppa-purge should purge 2022-08-18 13:57:52 UTC Bruce A. MacNaughton Solved
Answered 702788 can not upgrade to the next ubuntu after disabling all ppas 2022-08-16 07:37:35 UTC Alex Sudakov Answered
Solved 702616 trying to do release upgrade to 22.04 2022-07-31 14:16:57 UTC infoHata Solved
Answered 702468 Ubuntu 20.04 LTS error: Intergritys Problem lowding X.509 certificate -65 2022-07-13 17:43:01 UTC Manuel Jose da Loura Lucas Answered
Answered 702332 can't upgrade to ubuntu 18.04 LTS from 16.04.7 LTS 2022-06-29 10:16:43 UTC Umair Answered
Answered 701476 python3-distupgrade and ubuntu-release-upgrader-core attempts to remove kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt 2022-04-21 23:49:27 UTC João Henrique Answered
Answered 698263 f2fs support 2021-08-06 07:49:48 UTC cybercop Answered
Answered 697084 booting delay 2021-05-16 13:36:42 UTC silvester philip Answered
Answered 696416 Trying to upgrade from 16.04 2021-04-06 20:49:37 UTC Niel Answered
Solved 696223 do-release-upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04 fails - how to read logs 2021-03-23 20:24:27 UTC Allan W. Macdonald Solved
Solved 696151 unable to fetch some website 2021-03-07 14:49:07 UTC Raushan Pati Tiwari Solved
Answered 695556 Software application not launching after reboot. pycharm. ubuntu software, vs code display launch icon but then nothing happens 2021-02-13 13:11:54 UTC Reagan Answered
Solved 695305 unable to upgrade from v18.04 to v20.04 2021-02-01 16:16:48 UTC Stephen Shorrock Solved
Answered 694470 Nachdem auf Ubuntu 20.04 upgedatet wurde klappt Neueinrichtung von Dual Boot mit Live USB Stick nicht 2020-12-11 12:11:35 UTC Peter Bernreuter Answered
Solved 694046 not able to upgrade to 20.04 fm 18.04 Could not calculate the upgrade An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade. 2020-11-07 19:22:58 UTC maneli Solved
Solved 693744 Can't install ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt because it requires ubuntu-release-upgrader-core (= 1:20.04.18) and the latest focal release has 1:20.04.28 2020-10-31 04:53:34 UTC Mehul Panchal Solved
Answered 693673 Error al actualizar Ubuntu 18.04 a 20.01 No se pudo calcular la actualización. Se produjo un problema irresoluble al calcular la actualización. 2020-10-27 14:33:42 UTC primy Answered
Answered 693069 Distro upgrade bug3 2020-09-02 17:09:19 UTC Laszlo Toth Answered
Open 691868 No review on my patch suggestion 2020-07-14 19:05:42 UTC Andrey Yashkin Open
Answered 689701 dist-upgrade takes too long to load 2020-04-03 19:44:15 UTC Seija K. Answered
Answered 685868 cannot upgrade to Ubuntu 18 from Ubuntu 16 2019-11-14 12:52:11 UTC Radhen Answered
Answered 685218 Login Loop, then Splashing Start Screen 2019-10-14 06:13:20 UTC Deepak Kumar Answered
Answered 683951 New Install of Ubuntu, but all applications crash shortly after loading 2019-09-16 06:00:16 UTC Donna Hutt Stapfer Bell Answered
Solved 682301 Update-manager is not opening it says failed to open "usr/bin/update-manager" no such file or directory 2019-07-25 06:43:17 UTC Manish Pathak Solved
Solved 682322 The upgrade has left the recorded Ubuntu version unchanged 2019-07-24 15:30:51 UTC Norman Gregory Solved
Answered 682248 I tried to upgrade from Ubuntu 18.10 to Ubuntu 19.04 but this error occured...........PLease help me solcve the issue 2019-07-23 04:11:16 UTC Sumit Chauhan Answered
Solved 681219 After installing an update , loose my Desktop directory. 2019-05-31 04:56:29 UTC Divyank Deshpande Solved
Answered 680637 About xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin 2019-05-05 07:45:07 UTC cybercop Answered
Answered 678535 Updating from 16.04 to 18.04 2019-02-12 23:14:55 UTC Tony Martinez Answered
Answered 673011 multiple things fail , wine will not load, chrome fail, video fail 2018-08-27 02:09:22 UTC Denis Palmer Answered
Answered 676826 I can't upgrade to Bionic Beaver 2018-08-14 01:50:32 UTC José Marcelo de Castro Answered
Open 669847 libatkmm and libgkibmm has undefined symbol 2018-05-28 03:58:09 UTC kevin.jin Open
Answered 664106 when i update it gives errors 2018-02-03 14:06:32 UTC Mohit Gidwani Answered
Answered 658872 double click on .deb file for new application install, but when i press INSALL button ,,, no effect , 2. Software ubdate not works, 3.No any apps intall from terminal ......Pls help 2017-09-27 12:20:10 UTC Kamal Mandali Answered
Solved 629880 Ubuntu 16.10 -> 17.04 upgrade left system in unknown state 2017-04-28 05:48:26 UTC Bob Stutes Solved
Solved 592392 graphical web browsers stopped working 2017-03-26 13:38:44 UTC Janos G. Komaromi Solved
Answered 490062 wubi appears to be missing on startup 2017-02-27 01:09:38 UTC SixTen Ministries Answered
Open 402913 downstreaming this into debian? 2016-10-10 18:15:47 UTC anarcat Open
Solved 394801 Since i upgrade from 14.4 to 16.4 my computeur freeze. 2016-09-14 07:21:57 UTC arcane Solved
Answered 303763 [Feature Request] Report date of next release on schedule. 2016-07-26 17:46:26 UTC Bharath Answered
Answered 293223 W: Failed to fetch Hash Sum mismatch 2016-05-04 05:26:12 UTC vijay Answered
Solved 291880 Upgrade from Ubuntu 15.10 to Ubuntu 16.04 has failed 2016-04-22 09:38:36 UTC andrej Solved
Solved 290732 upgrade to 16.04 fails 2016-04-12 14:52:43 UTC will Solved
Answered 276597 Free diskspace 2015-12-03 10:08:06 UTC GUI_Junkie Answered
150 of 69 results

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