Answered questions for simplebackup in Ubuntu

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Summary Created Submitter Assignee Status
Solved 189686 Backed up daily with Simple Backup Suite, how to restore in 12.04 unstable 2012-03-05 02:30:44 UTC ealthuis Solved
Solved 188332 How to run simple backup? 2012-02-20 20:27:23 UTC David Solved
Answered 175122 simple backup problems 2011-10-18 17:52:58 UTC Jack Vultaggio Answered
Answered 90554 File System backup; where does /C drive backup go? 2009-11-17 09:25:24 UTC RayArdia Answered
Solved 75972 Lost Disk Space Ubuntu 9.04... 2009-07-03 07:21:11 UTC Enrique Solved
Solved 20526 The restore application does not work in another computer target? 2007-12-22 19:05:09 UTC dorcap Solved
16 of 6 results

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