Questions for Stephen Judge

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Answered 192265 Flattr Integration in the Software Centre 2012-03-31 19:13:20 UTC Stephen Judge Ubuntu Software Center Answered
Solved 114500 GMail Docklet reports Network Error a lot 2010-06-13 22:28:28 UTC Stephen Judge Docky Solved
Solved 114477 Finding New Docklets & Helpers 2010-06-13 18:05:47 UTC Stephen Judge Docky Solved
Solved 114471 Workspace Switcher and Show Desktop 2010-06-13 16:51:31 UTC Stephen Judge Docky Solved
Solved 56833 Get more tweets when starting 2009-01-09 08:32:02 UTC Andreas Streim Gwibber Solved
15 of 5 results