Questions for Salih EMIN

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Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Answered 231270 Connectivity problem with Huawei EC156 Modem on Ubuntu 12.04LTS 2013-06-24 10:53:46 UTC Muraleedharan Nair gnome-nettool in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 231186 Can't complete the install of 13.04 2013-06-22 13:11:40 UTC Rick Erisman Jr Ubuntu Answered
Answered 157423 Why does this open a dialog box that looks like a distribution upgrade? 2011-05-13 23:51:53 UTC Shane H uCareSystem Answered
Solved 157270 11.04 system/language doesn't run 2011-05-12 22:10:09 UTC y.alasehirli language-selector in Ubuntu Solved
Answered 111726 Missing the sed lines 2010-05-20 15:23:57 UTC LeoKomarov uCareSystem Salih EMIN Answered
Solved 107939 Cleaned up the CORE scripts 2010-04-20 16:10:49 UTC LeoKomarov uCareSystem Solved
Solved 100124 x64bit Ground control 2010-02-06 14:38:30 UTC Salih EMIN Ground Control Solved
17 of 7 results