Questions for Laszlo Pandy

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Answered 177894 Preventing merge commits changing revision numbers on remote server 2011-11-07 14:37:26 UTC Laszlo Pandy Bazaar Answered
Answered 152073 Please deactivate glipper-app-indicator 2011-04-08 08:27:43 UTC Laszlo Pandy Launchpad itself Answered
Solved 60156 Can Bazaar ignore versioned modified files? 2009-02-06 21:52:16 UTC Laszlo Pandy Bazaar Solved
Answered 30997 Status of project 2008-04-27 07:20:19 UTC Trond Husoe Jokosher Answered
Answered 12998 After serious error message appeared when using Jokosher, I found that all sound was lost from outputs of computer with Feisty Fawn. Problem only with installed version, not cd boot Feisty Fawn where no problem. Hence not a hardware problem. I believe installed Feisty Fawn has become corrupted by a Jokosher bug. 2007-09-07 23:24:50 UTC Eric Penrose Jokosher Answered
15 of 5 results