Questions for Gerard Derksen

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Answered 202813 Google Chrome "FREEZES UP" on Precise Pangolin 122.04 2012-07-11 09:44:53 UTC Gerard Derksen Ubuntu Answered
Solved 192501 What is the best way to free up space in Ubuntu12.04 2012-04-03 10:46:38 UTC Gerard Derksen bleachbit in Ubuntu Solved
Answered 188196 grub must have been corrupted... 2012-02-19 11:44:18 UTC Gerard Derksen grub2 in Ubuntu Answered
Solved 184308 Desktop is locked 2012-01-10 23:46:14 UTC Gerard Derksen unity in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 178222 Why is Oneiric Ocelot unable to detect my Sony Ericsson camera 2011-11-10 00:49:20 UTC Gerard Derksen cheese in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 170620 Error when try to install software with Software Center 2011-09-09 03:55:43 UTC Gerard Derksen software-center in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 170532 Microsoft Silverlight do I need it in Oneric Ocelot? 2011-09-08 09:57:51 UTC Gerard Derksen firefox in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 160690 I have Ubuntu10.04 installed on a 40 Gb secondary drive and 11.04 on my 80 gb main drive, but when I reboot it starts up in 10.04 LTS without showing the boot up menu allowing me to select which system I want to use for the bootup, what's happened? 2011-06-08 12:24:02 UTC Gerard Derksen grub2 in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 158808 Can I download & install Ubuntu 11.04 onto my pc 2011-05-24 11:09:20 UTC Gerard Derksen grub2 in Ubuntu Solved
Answered 139206 I'm the only user, do I have to login 2010-12-27 10:13:45 UTC Gerard Derksen gdm in Ubuntu Answered
Solved 25374 I installed Ubuntu 6.1,,, everytime I open my pc it ask me for usename,, then password,,I sure write them and log in,,,Is there anyway to make the system login directly without asking me to write my username and password,I am the only one use it,,,thanks 2008-02-22 19:42:42 UTC tarekmelmasry Ubuntu Solved
111 of 11 results