Questions for Drew Feragen

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 45550 Slow boot at first 2008-09-18 01:30:38 UTC jochiv Ubuntu Solved
Solved 45543 How do I access my server through the internet? 2008-09-17 23:46:59 UTC Flanno Ubuntu Solved
Solved 45484 How Can I Automatically Download New VLC Through Update Manager? 2008-09-17 11:40:30 UTC taurus vlc in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 45462 start up error - can't find host name on internet 2008-09-17 02:36:57 UTC bart1452 Ubuntu Solved
Solved 45454 phpadmin problem 2008-09-17 01:13:12 UTC Flanno phpmyadmin in Ubuntu Solved
Answered 45451 Stopping Totem automatic startup when loading a CD 2008-09-17 00:29:24 UTC Gerry Moore totem in Ubuntu Answered
Solved 45430 swapping/adding nic cards -- HELP!! 2008-09-16 19:54:52 UTC jbmckim Ubuntu Solved
Answered 45205 Media keys on keyboard no-longer working 2008-09-14 17:09:03 UTC Ainsley Cipperley totem in Ubuntu Answered
Solved 9506 Crontab starting audio player 2007-07-11 00:37:32 UTC mrbeardy cron in Ubuntu Solved
19 of 9 results