Questions for Dave Walker

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 146394 User spamming bugs 2011-02-22 10:48:21 UTC Dave Walker Launchpad itself Solved
Solved 106097 Reassign mythtv project ownership from ~registry to ~mythbuntu 2010-03-31 14:13:43 UTC Dave Walker Launchpad itself Solved
Solved 70848 What is the plan going forward for Ubuntu One? Is it just a file syncing service? 2009-05-12 01:11:13 UTC Joshua Blount Ubuntu One Client Solved
Solved 54741 Test question, please ignore 2008-12-17 14:42:36 UTC Alan Pope 🍺🐧🐱 πŸ¦„ Ubuntu Solved
Solved 15971 Upgrading to 7.10 from 7.04 dualboot with XP 2007-10-23 20:56:35 UTC megamegh Ubuntu Solved
Solved 9049 Unable to connect to the internet on ubuntu 7.04 2007-07-01 19:12:07 UTC gul Ubuntu Solved
Solved 8945 Realtel Wired Ethernet not usable 2007-06-29 07:50:55 UTC raddy Ubuntu Solved
17 of 7 results