Questions for Dale Jefferson

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 78407 Identifying Partitions / Can I save my own files in /boot 2009-07-28 14:49:04 UTC Matsobane Ubuntu Solved
Answered 78392 computer crashes and shuts down improperly. 2009-07-28 10:09:58 UTC mic911 Ubuntu Answered
Answered 78364 Kubuntu 8.10 (kernel 2.6.27-7 generic) Sound not working 2009-07-28 03:21:35 UTC Cheesepoptart Ubuntu Answered
Answered 75089 Please delete project 2009-06-23 08:39:07 UTC Dale Jefferson Launchpad itself [LEGACY] Canonical WebOps Answered
Answered 30441 Please Delete "eee-ubuntu-support" 2008-04-22 17:07:40 UTC Dale Jefferson Launchpad itself Answered
Solved 25310 Nvidia driver 169.09 not in Gutsy - Unable to use my GF8800GT whithout tweaking 2008-02-22 07:55:54 UTC Fredrik Ubuntu Solved
16 of 6 results