Total newbie - and I have a need for help to some "silly" Questions:UPDATE????

Asked by Caron Brooks

good evening,
After much deliberation and research, to see if it would be possible to do what I wanted to do with a Netbook, (instead of purchasing a Tablet,,, I like a keyboard), it was decided to go with the Netbook, over the tablet, simply because, dollar for dollar comparisons just did not add up. I simply could not justify spending THAT much money, on an item that limited my entire library, to a possible total of 32GB of space, and 512mb of RAM. I looked into which Netbooks would be a better choice, to make the switch out, of the Windows 7OS, and I came up with a fairly decent choice, and just purchased a 10.1 inch, Asus EEE-PC1015 PW Netbook. Hopefully I can make the full switch to use, the Ubuntu based OS, and add an Android, to get it to work, like that of any tablet.

I run a MAC based machine, for my regular computer), but wanted a "little guy" that, I could play games on with my kids and friends online,( yes Word with Friends in my holy grail). SO - after reading that this is/was in fact possible - my choice was made to purchase the Asus, and hopefully switch out the OS, and add android 3.2. along with any upgrades that come along, as needed.

 What I pretty much want to to is, to have my home screen, look like my husbands Android Tablet, or my Droid Phone ( I am familiar with the Android screens with apps available upon a click - so I'd like to stick to what I know). However if this is NOT possible, I am certainly open to learning how to use the Ubuntu OS, as I am NOT a fan of Windows 7, (or any Windows format for that matter).

And now for the Silly part - I'm not a fan of having to use, what I call the, "Background screen Wizard". You know the application, where you have the programs running, and you have to go in, and futz around with them via the coding - I sort of like knowing that, there is a "little green man behind the curtain", running the programs - silly I know - but it's the way that I have been taught, and what I am totally used to.

So, I have not touched the Asus machine as of yet - the OS (WiN7) is intact, and untouched. Do I need to remove the OS, and install Ubuntu? And then add/install Android, add APPS and install Chrome as my browser and such? I'll be honest, I have never used Ubuntu and don;t even know how to connect to the internet with it. So, I guess what I need to know is, before I ditch WIN7 - should I be setting up my Network connections? Or, do I reformat the drive and partition it to run BOTH operating systems, and then, run them side by side? I just want to uninstall WIN7, and install the Ubuntu OS, and go from there, with everything hopefully up and running

I am SO SORRY for the silly questions, but I honestly am in a totally new situation. I know that it IS POSSIBLE, I just don't know HOW to get started. So, ANY help that you can offer a "Ubuntu newb", would be VERY much appreciated. I have tried to lay out my situation, as best as I can, and if it is possible - to hopefully be able to get step by step instructions, on what to do with my new little netbook, to get it up and running the way I'd like it to, and be able to do everything that my Android based tablet can do - internet- games -music-email- etc. I'm actually hoping to be able to use the little guy as a back up to take with me when going out of town instead of dragging my 17" MacBook Pro along with me - the 10" computer is a much nicer and smaller item for doing this.

Again I thank you in advance for any help or the pointing to a perfect website to give me step by step directions on how to do what I would like to do, on the new Netbook - by hopefully ditching Win7.

SO,,,,,As "silly/Stupid" as this may sound, I am running into problems, and I am wondering if I should I be downloading the needed information and software, on the NETBOOK itself? Since I have been reading/posting everything on my MACBOOK, I think that this may be causing a conflict.???? I know that MAC and Win7 absolutely do not "speak to each other". So, should I be booting up the netbook, and downloading the software VIA the netbook - I don't want to have any infiltration into my MAC OSX (as of yet,,,,IDK, I may just like the other OS enough to change in the future), but, until then, for the sake of upgrading the NETBOOK only, should I be ONLY WORKING with the NETBOOK, and not using the MBP for any downloading?
I am also finding VERY conflicting information on WHICH OS to download the versions available are absolutely staggering - By using the 'stats' if you will, for my netbook - is there a 'better" version of this Operating System (Linux/Ubuntu system), to use on this particular machine?
I am TERRIBLY sorry to be such a pain, and the fact that I fell as though I am actually sounding somewhat like a "dufus" - believe it or not I can build a MAC almost from scratch and trouble shoot hardware issues without a second glance - THIS silly little "project" is now bordering on INSANITY! And I feel like a fool! So as promised the "stats"

Asus eeePC 1015PW-MU27
1.66ghz Intel Atom N570 Corei5 processor
1GB DDR3 RAM (which will be bumped to 2 within the next day or so)
250Gb HD
Running WIN7 Starter on a 32Bit OS

If this bit of information can help to point me into the correct direction - THANK YOU!
And PLEASE let me know if I should be doing ALL of the downloads FROM the Netbook and NOT my MACBOOK PRO.
Again - thank you in advance forALL of your help (for what you have offered in the past), and of course anything in the future to help me along with this "project of insanity" LOL

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English Edit question
Ubuntu ubiquity Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Caron Brooks
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Nathan Heafner (nathan1465-5) said :

here is a link with some installation information.

and here is the system requirements

you would want to test out running ubuntu by using the LiveCD option.
"The LiveCD is a fully functional Ubuntu environment, and it allows you to get a taste of Ubuntu on your machine by using a 'Live' session! " Basically you can try out Ubuntu without installing it.

You do not need to remove windows, you can either install next to windows and dual boot (have the option for both) or install over windows only having Ubuntu. Which ever you like.

There is some choice in gaming on Ubuntu. for example, has linux game options now :)

There is an application for android devices for ubuntu one (sync), more info can be found here.

rather or not you should buy/use a laptop/netbook/tablet is a personal opinion. Each have their benefits and drawbacks.

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Sam_ (and-sam) said :
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Caron Brooks (zadars) said :


SO,,,,,As "silly/Stupid" as this may sound, I am running into problems, and I am wondering if I should I be downloading the needed information and software, on the NETBOOK itself? Since I have been reading/posting everything on my MACBOOK, I think that this may be causing a conflict.???? I know that MAC and Win7 absolutely do not "speak to each other". So, should I be booting up the netbook, and downloading the software VIA the netbook - I don't want to have any infiltration into my MAC OSX (as of yet,,,,IDK, I may just like the other OS enough to change in the future), but, until then, for the sake of upgrading the NETBOOK only, should I be ONLY WORKING with the NETBOOK, and not using the MBP for any downloading?
I am also finding VERY conflicting information on WHICH OS to download the versions available are absolutely staggering - By using the 'stats' if you will, for my netbook - is there a 'better" version of this Operating System (Linux/Ubuntu system), to use on this particular machine?
I am TERRIBLY sorry to be such a pain, and the fact that I fell as though I am actually sounding somewhat like a "dufus" - believe it or not I can build a MAC almost from scratch and trouble shoot hardware issues without a second glance - THIS silly little "project" is now bordering on INSANITY! And I feel like a fool! So as promised the "stats"

Asus eeePC 1015PW-MU27
1.66ghz Intel Atom N570 Corei5 processor
1GB DDR3 RAM (which will be bumped to 2 within the next day or so)
250Gb HD
Running WIN7 Starter on a 32Bit OS

If this bit of information can help to point me into the correct direction - THANK YOU!
And PLEASE let me know if I should be doing ALL of the downloads FROM the Netbook and NOT my MACBOOK PRO.
Again - thank you in advance forALL of your help (for what you have offered in the past), and of course anything in the future to help me along with this "project of insanity" LOL

Revision history for this message
Caron Brooks (zadars) said :

After noticing a problem with the Netbook over some severe overheating, I have returned it and purchased an Always Innovating Touchbook. This runs ALL of the OS systems needed, without the problems - fingers crossed!