Questions for moderncv

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Summary Created Submitter Assignee Status
Solved 114880 table of contents in moderncv 2010-06-17 08:59:28 UTC cinziaviroli Xavier Danaux Solved
Solved 90026 table of contents moderncv 2009-11-13 17:06:20 UTC Bernardo Maciel Solved
Answered 62893 Greek in moderncv 2009-03-02 22:42:24 UTC Kostas Answered
Solved 59641 The possibility to add publications from several bib files 2009-02-02 19:40:32 UTC Andrey Sobolev Solved
Solved 50418 Change title of 'Publications' when using Babel (Dutch) 2008-11-06 15:37:52 UTC Lennart Karssen Solved
Solved 42076 References from bib file are not included in pdf file 2008-08-13 13:17:03 UTC vansteen Solved
5156 of 56 results

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