Questions for Jeff Fortin Tam

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Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Answered 108801 Import from webcam 2010-04-30 00:05:12 UTC stinkinrich88 pitivi in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 107059 HD 720p video 2010-04-11 10:56:34 UTC MrWES pitivi in Ubuntu Answered
Solved 105767 Does pitivi do transitions? 2010-03-28 02:34:49 UTC CPKS pitivi in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 79779 please fix the bzr git imports for pitivi 2009-08-11 22:10:08 UTC Jeff Fortin Tam Launchpad itself Paul Hummer Solved
Solved 17132 reset the usplash resolution 2007-11-05 22:32:39 UTC Jeff Fortin Tam Ubuntu Solved
Answered 14964 pushing to launchpad using olive-gtk 2007-10-12 02:56:52 UTC Jeff Fortin Tam Bazaar GTK+ Frontends Answered
Solved 11283 When I open AWN I get a rather big black bar on the bottem of my screen 2007-08-10 19:29:54 UTC cjr2 Awn Solved
Solved 7019 root upload powers for rosetta on my own project 2007-05-22 16:04:45 UTC Jeff Fortin Tam Launchpad itself Данило Шеган Solved
Answered 6763 I/O error while copying files from DVD 2007-05-17 19:37:54 UTC Prem Anandh P Ubuntu Answered
Solved 6479 cannot remove distribution packages from my own project 2007-05-12 12:51:18 UTC Jeff Fortin Tam Launchpad itself Tom Haddon Solved
Solved 2824 uploading translations with different filenames 2006-12-15 23:00:01 UTC Jeff Fortin Tam Launchpad itself Carlos Perelló Marín Solved
5161 of 61 results