Questions for Jason Spashett

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Answered 65913 Code review process confusing (incorrect diff?) 2009-03-30 19:37:26 UTC Jason Spashett Launchpad itself Answered
Answered 63867 Why isn't PAE enabled in the default desktop kernel? 2009-03-11 20:02:03 UTC Jason Spashett Ubuntu Answered
Solved 58313 My bzr workflow is slow. Is there a better way? 2009-01-21 21:20:48 UTC Jason Spashett Bazaar Solved
Solved 36625 How do you import a subdirectory from svn into bzr 2008-06-18 15:24:52 UTC Jason Spashett Bazaar Subversion Plugin Solved
Solved 7750 autofs with smb doesn't appear to work 2007-06-05 22:03:43 UTC Jason Spashett Ubuntu Solved
15 of 5 results