Questions for Ignas Mikalajūnas

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 69836 peculiar date format 2009-05-04 05:34:26 UTC Erwin Olario SchoolTool Solved
Solved 58636 Section resource pages not found 2009-01-25 04:42:53 UTC Adam Read SchoolTool Solved
Solved 45218 OK, now I have got my courses sorted so that I am setting an ID I find that I can only import 50! 2008-09-14 19:47:58 UTC Brian Lockwood SchoolTool Solved
Solved 42778 BZR branch import failed and now does not work for my branch 2008-08-21 13:13:58 UTC Ignas Mikalajūnas Launchpad itself Solved
Solved 39343 Another Importing Sections Question 2008-07-15 22:42:44 UTC Brian Lockwood SchoolTool Solved
Solved 34251 How to connect from another machine? 2008-05-26 00:45:09 UTC NoneGiven SchoolTool Solved
16 of 6 results