Questions for idyllic

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Needs information 58866 Plugins are disabled after updates 2009-01-27 12:01:29 UTC idyllic Do Needs information
Answered 43486 Installed 8.04 onto external HD; now I can't boot from internal HD 2008-08-28 20:02:22 UTC MEC407 Ubuntu Answered
Solved 42031 How do I detect new wireless networks 2008-08-13 06:23:09 UTC Tor Ubuntu Solved
Answered 31777 desktop & laptop crashing frequently since upgrade to hardy both xubuntu & ubuntu 2008-05-02 15:21:45 UTC gwen-d Ubuntu Answered
Solved 28200 Change default action in GNOME-DO 2008-03-28 06:05:13 UTC idyllic Do Solved
15 of 5 results