Questions for Eric Bursley

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Open 109422 SCSI Scan order wrong 2010-05-03 14:27:22 UTC Eric Bursley Ubuntu Open
Solved 40265 Firefox grey screen 2008-07-25 18:51:23 UTC Eric Bursley Ubuntu Solved
Answered 39836 USB mount point information or Identification of Removable media 2008-07-21 07:19:47 UTC Gaurav Bajaj Ubuntu Answered
Solved 39835 Unable to mount sda2 2008-07-21 07:04:20 UTC Raghu Ubuntu Solved
Solved 39789 Need Quicken--like and Picture Publisher--like Software 2008-07-20 20:45:45 UTC billjnid1 firefox in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 30832 GDM greeter resolution wrong wont fit on sceen 2008-04-26 06:05:33 UTC Greg Ubuntu Solved
Solved 30816 Dell Latitude D630 wireless not working 2008-04-26 02:37:26 UTC tyler785 Dell Ubuntu Project Solved
17 of 7 results