Questions for Andrew Ziem

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Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 77579 Old version of BleachBit in Ubuntu repository 2009-07-20 18:10:54 UTC Roman Horník BleachBit Solved
Solved 75245 How to delete chat logs. 2009-06-25 02:17:40 UTC graybluecat pidgin in Ubuntu Solved
Answered 72497 bleachbits does something to firefox that makes it not save or delete bookmarks after running bleachbits 2009-05-28 00:11:32 UTC setiamon BleachBit Answered
Solved 62005 import translation with wrong credit 2009-02-23 05:05:11 UTC Andrew Ziem Launchpad itself Данило Шеган Solved
Answered 60681 Andrew: You invited me to put a reminder here about adding Azureus / Vuse to apps that are covered by bleachbit. Thanks. 2009-02-11 21:54:34 UTC grintz77 BleachBit Answered
5155 of 55 results