Why do particles in the concrete cube compression test disperse directly?

Asked by Antonia

Dear all,

In the Yade official examples, I found the concrete Brazilian splitting test [1], which is a simple process where two walls approach the specimen at a constant speed, resulting in tensile failure of the specimen. Below is the code:
# -*- encoding=utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
from yade import plot,pack
A simple script of a Brazilian splitting test.
A cylinder with x axis form 0 to specimenLength.
Load in z direction by z-perpendicular walls.
Code strongly inspired by uniax.py
# default parameters or from table
readParamsFromTable(noTableOk=True, # unknownOk=True,
 young = 24e9,
 poisson = .2,
 sigmaT = 3.5e6,
 frictionAngle = atan(0.8),
 epsCrackOnset = 1e-4,
 relDuctility = 30,
 intRadius = 1.5,
 dtSafety = .8,
 strainRate = 1,
 specimenLength = .15,
 specimenRadius = .05,
 sphereRadius = 3.5e-3,
from yade.params.table import *
# material
concreteId = O.materials.append(CpmMat(
 young = young,
 poisson = poisson,
 frictionAngle = frictionAngle,
 epsCrackOnset = epsCrackOnset,
 relDuctility = relDuctility,
 sigmaT = sigmaT,
# spheres
 radius = sphereRadius,
 spheresInCell = 500,
 memoizeDb = '/tmp/packing-brazilian.db',
 returnSpherePack = True
# walls
zMin,zMax=[pt[2] for pt in aabbExtrema()]
wallIDs = O.bodies.append([wall((0,0,z),2) for z in (zMin,zMax)])
walls = wallMin,wallMax = [O.bodies[i] for i in wallIDs]
v = strainRate * 2*specimenRadius
wallMin.state.vel = (0,0,+v)
wallMax.state.vel = (0,0,-v)
# engines
# stop condition
def stopIfDamaged():
 if O.iter < 1000: # do nothing at the beginning
 fMax = max(plot.data["f"])
 f = plot.data["f"][-1]
 if f/fMax < .6:
  print("Damaged, stopping.")
  print("ft = ",max(plot.data["stress"]))
# plot stuff
def addPlotData():
 # forces of walls. f1 is "down", f2 is "up" (f1 needs to be negated for evlauation)
 f1,f2 = [O.forces.f(i)[2] for i in wallIDs]
 f1 *= -1
 # average force
 f = .5*(f1+f2)
 # displacement (2 times each wall)
 wall = O.bodies[wallIDs[0]]
 dspl = 2*wall.state.displ()[2]
 # stress (according to standard brazilian test evaluation formula)
 stress = f/(pi*specimenRadius*specimenLength)
 # store values
  t = O.time,
  i = O.iter,
  dspl = dspl,
  f1 = f1,
  f2 = f2,
  f = f,
  stress = stress,
# plot dspl on x axis, stress on y1 axis and f,f1,f2 in y2 axis
O.dt = 0.
O.step(); # to create initial contacts
# now reset the interaction radius and go ahead
# time step
O.dt = dtSafety*PWaveTimeStep()
# run simulation

Regarding this process, I have two questions, and I would appreciate any assistance or insights from the community.

1. According to the model's micro-scale parameters, this should simulate a concrete specimen, but the stress-displacement curve indicates that the displacement is too large, roughly an order of magnitude greater than real-world conditions. Why is there such a significant difference between micro-scale parameters and macroscopic behavior, and how should I adjust it? (I believe that as an example, the micro-scale parameters in this code are reasonably set, at least in the same order of magnitude.)
2. I would like to simulate a uniaxial compression test, so I changed the original specimen shape to a cube. However, the process becomes very strange, with a sudden increase in stress, and the specimen composed of particles eventually explodes. What is causing this? Did I miss setting some parameters?
  I have replaced the #spheres section of the original code with the following code:
# spheres
 radius = sphereRadius,
 spheresInCell = 500,
 memoizeDb = '/tmp/packing-brazilian.db',
 returnSpherePack = True


[1] https://gitlab.com/yade-dev/trunk/-/blob/master/examples/concrete/brazilian.py?ref_type=heads

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English Edit question
Yade Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Karol Brzezinski
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Best Karol Brzezinski (kbrzezinski) said :

Hi Antonia,

1) Macro behavior is a result of microparameters, particle size, and shape, constitutive laws, etc. For example, rock may have a stiffness of 70 GPa, while a sand sample has a stiffness of around 150 MPa. Calibration is the best solution [1].

2) Timestep is overestimated for this model, although I am not sure why. Please change dtSafety to 0.1


[1] https://yade-dem.org/doc/formulation.html?highlight=calibration#normal-stiffness

Revision history for this message
Antonia (antonia9909) said :

Thanks Karol Brzezinski, that solved my question.