when loop have white blink ..

Asked by kthamma

I add many content from library to layout but when it run next content always have white screen blink for a second . How do I fix this or how do I change color of it to black or other ?

Thank you very much ..

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Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

How many items is "many" and what media types are they?

What colour background do you have set? Do you have a background image set? If so, what type is it (JPG/PNG/GIF)?


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Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

1280x768 is a 15:9 aspect ratio. Designing for 16:9 or 16:10 will give you a layout that will still go on the screen, but you'll get black bars either top and bottom or left and right.

It's also a screen resolution that I've never seen on a TV. They tend to be 16:9 or 16:10 ratio. I've seen it on laptops though.

What you need to do is manually enter a new resolution in to the database. Xibo doesn't offer a GUI to do this so either use MySQL admin or PHPMyAdmin to connect to your xibo database and run the following query:

INSERT INTO `resolution` (
 NULL , '15:9 Monitor', '800', '480' ), ( NULL , '9:15 Monitor', '480', '800' );

Then run the following query to add two new templates for those resolutions:

INSERT INTO `template` (`template`, `xml`, `permissionID`, `userID`, `createdDT`, `modifiedDT`, `description`, `tags`, `thumbnail`, `isSystem`, `retired`) VALUES

('15:9 Full Screen', '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<layout width="800" height="480" bgcolor="#000000" background="" schemaVersion="1"><region id="47ff2f524ae1b" width="800" height="480" top="0" left="0"/></layout>\n', 3, 1, '2008-01-01 01:00:00', '2008-01-01 01:00:00', '', '', NULL, 1, 0),

('Portrait - 9:15', '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<layout width="480" height="800" bgcolor="#000000" background="" schemaVersion="1"><region id="47ff2f524be1b" width="480" height="800" top="0" left="0"/></layout>\n', 3, 1, '2008-01-01 01:00:00', '2008-01-01 01:00:00', '', '', NULL, 1, 0);

You should then be able to create 15:9 layouts.


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Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

Sorry. Ignore last reply. I posted it in the wrong thread.


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Bartek (czajka) said :


We have similar white bliknking too in our network. Right now using only mpeg4 playlist region on whole layout, 20-30 mpegs looped. Layout background is black. Between any two clips there is a short white screen blik. Not dependent of codecs or os - checked on windows7&libffmpeg and xp&coreavc. If region is smaller than layout, blinking is limited to region only - looks like effect of creating/destroing wmp object on the screen.

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Dan Garner (dangarner) said :

I suspect you are correct. After having a dig around in the code that creates the WMP object there is a chance this can be improved. Ill create a bug for it.

If you are only using video then there is a chance you are experiencing the same as Bartek... otherwise could you let us know what type of content causes your white blink.


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Bartek (czajka) said :

One more info in this subject:

Blinking appears only after clips with media controlled duratrion. If clip is cuted some seconds before it ends normally there is no white screen.

I've observed it becouse media with durations inserted by user are cuted to early on my installations (defined times checked two times by gspot & mediainfo so there is no mistake). Stripped parts lenght is proportional to media lenght. If clip is very long player strips more material on the end. Its looks like timer in xibo ticks faster that timer in wmp etc. I haven't made precision measurements but for exaple if clip has 10sec it is stipped 1 sec before end, 20 secs 2 second stripped. It clip duration >2 mins there 5-10 seconds lost etc.
Becouse of that we've switched to 0 times and then white blinks appeared.

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Dan Garner (dangarner) said :

I think I understand why there is that white flick...

When you set the duration to 0 Xibo will check with WMP every 1 second to see if the video has finished playing or not. So there is a potential 1 second window where there will be nothing playing.

Also I think I may be able to answer why the set duration appears to elapse early... the timer in Xibo is started before the video starts playing.... therefore the timer also includes the loading time of the video (which will increase with the size of the video).

Both of these things I should be able to fix!

If you subscribe yourself to the linked bug - you will receive updates on progress. It should be released with 1.0.5.

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Bartek (czajka) said :

Thats great, that was last thing that we need with Mariusz to have good working Xibo installations :)

I've one moge sugestion related to white screens:
I think you're right about checking every 1s and white screen flash, that was my conception of problem reason too.
If it is possible to set wmp to show last movie frame instead of destroying player (or whatever is is doing right now) - is would fix this problem, and also would fix white screens that appears when movie duration inserted in db is bigger than true movie lenght.
Ability to insert longer duration that true clip lenght could be inreseting in some situations - for example for time synchronizing with other regions, making fadeout-fadein in different colours than background when syncing with other regions, displaying some static information on end of the clip without adding image object. We've already seen two commercial DS programs and they were made right that way. And I think its a good solution :)

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kthamma (k-dhammarat) said :

Dan & Bartek

Sorry for slow response and information about this cause my English is not good .
About my content I only use .avi file & codec are divX. Now my content loop have about 50 multimedia files.

Thank you very much for great tool & good help .

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Dan Garner (dangarner) said :

OK - sounds like we have a plan!

In Summary (will put on the bug)

- Investigate the possibility of ending the video and holding the last frame on screen
- Reduce the interval time when checking if the video is finished (0 duration mode)
- Make sure the timer is only started after the video is started.

Thanks for both your help with this - subscribe to the bug for progress updates!
