panel autohide timeout

Asked by Sergei


How do I change the timeout after which the launcher disappears when I've moved the mouse away from it? I'd like to set it to 0 or some other low value.

I'm ok with recompiling if the change needs to be done in the source code.

I would also like to lower the time during which the launcher appears after some event made it appear (e.g., a skype received).


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Sergei (gerases-gmail) said :


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Sergei (gerases-gmail) said :

Ok, i'm proud to report that I've found the places for both changes!

To change the launcher hide time out, I changed these files:


So, the interval value below needs to be changed to something low (i made it 10) -- works great!

    Timer {
        id: autoHideTimer
        interval: 1000
        running: (target !== undefined) ? !target.containsMouse : false
        onTriggered: shownRegardlessOfFocus = false

For the animation duration, shell/launcher/LauncherItem.qml needs to be edited.

            SequentialAnimation {
                id: urgentAnimation
                running: urgent
                alwaysRunToEnd: true

                SequentialAnimation {
                    // loops: (urgent) ? 30 : 0
                    loops: (urgent) ? 3 : 0
                    NumberAnimation { target: tile; property: "rotation"; to: 15; duration: 150 }
                    NumberAnimation { target: tile; property: "rotation"; to: -15; duration: 150 }
                NumberAnimation { target: tile; property: "rotation"; to: 0; duration: 75 }

I set the number of frames to 3 instead of 30. Again, works great!

I'm rather happy with the changes. Hope it helps somebody. Ideally I would love to include these two under gconf somewhere :) Maybe that will be my next change.

Thanks for the work, guys!