LifecamVX1000 when using in call: Video no Audio yes

Asked by Ronnie Barnes

I'm using ubuntu & cant configure my MS Lifecam VX 1000 using skype or empathy i receive audio+video signal and i send a audio signal but no video signal is sent.
When using skype in a call going into option: - video device - video device is enabled - start at call enabled - selected webcam shows: USB camera (/dev/video0) - selecting test i can than see my own video signal.
When i'm not in a call + going into option and try to make a video test(same settings as before) i do not receive a video signal.

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Solved by:
Ronnie Barnes
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Revision history for this message
Tom (tom6) said :

Hi :)

Just to cover the basics i assume you have already worked through the Medibuntu page since upgrading or installing Ubuntu?

And also installed "cheese"?

Regards from
Tom :)

Revision history for this message
Tom (tom6) said :

Hi again :)

I found this guide on Skype
but i tought the idea was to avoid closed source and move towards using OpenSource stuff because it is easier to modify if you need to? There are alternatives such as Ekiga although i haven't used any of these myself. But i have heard of people using them and connecting to people using skype at the far end.

Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

Revision history for this message
Ronnie Barnes (lazybug69) said :

Thanks Tom

i'm quit new to ubuntu and i try to work my way around hardware&softwware problems.
i'll have look now at medibuntu

Revision history for this message
Ronnie Barnes (lazybug69) said :

Thanks Tom

i'm quit new to ubuntu and i try to work my way around hardware&softwware problems.
i'll have look now at medibuntu

Revision history for this message
Ronnie Barnes (lazybug69) said :

I'll get another webcam coming week. thanks for your help

Revision history for this message
Tom (tom6) said :

Hi :)

No problem. Sorry that was a bit of a "rtfm" answer but i really don't know how to fix this unless it is simply a case of the medibuntu page not having been worked through. Every new install or upgrade of Ubuntu needs this page to be gone through again to solve the copywrite problems on a number of multimedia issues. If only it could all be included inside Ubuntu itself but different countries have different issues so it really has to be down to the individual user to take responsibility for making sure they don't break the laws of their own country.

"Cheese" is the standard basic package for getting camera's to work so it sounds as though you already have that package installed. It might be worth using Synaptic Package Manager to search for your make and perhaps model to make sure there's no extra bit&bobs to help with that
I haven't used Ubuntu 9.10 yet but on previous releases we had 2 package managers with nice gui's and i think 9.10's "Software Centre" has replaced the old "Add/Remove Applications" which was too similar to the name used by the Windows equivalent which didn't do the "Add" part of that so people often didn't think to look to see if our's did. It did. Anyway Synaptic uses the same lists and databases but presents much more detail and is much better for this type of task :)

If you are new to Ubuntu and new to linux generally too then this link might be helpful

Now that i have had a quick look at the Skype link i gave you i found that Empathy replaces Ekiga in Ubuntu 9.10 and that Ekiga couldn't communicate well with Skype because Skype uses non-standards protocols, but i am sure i remember people getting it to work. Perhaps they were using Empathy instead then. The community documentation page for Empathy looks a little alarmingly unwieldy at first but hopefully makes sense!

Have you been able to get the camera working with the Instant Messenger in Pidgin?
Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

Revision history for this message
Ronnie Barnes (lazybug69) said :

Hi Tom

It was a busy week and there was not much time for Ubuntu.
Yes I've cheese installed. I'm using also Empathie for video calling via google messenger or talk. But I've the same problem that i receive a video signal + pure quality and I cant start my camera . reading through Medibuntu I realise
that my type of camera is a problem when it comes to the configuration. so when I find the time I'll buy one which should be compatible(found a list on Medibuntu). as I used Skype in Ubuntu I received a video signal only my cam wouldn't start and in the video test option I do not get a picture but the camera is activated. I'll see hopefully there is some time next week.
I where able to configure a account in Empathie and pidgin. I it find quiet difficult as you can only try and see what happens. But it works so far. I couldntactivate a second account in Empathie or Pidgin.
I'm happy for the result of the first three weeks with Ubuntu.

Revision history for this message
Tom (tom6) said :

Hi :)

Another similar question ...

It is also worth going up to the top taskbar and click on

System - Administration - Synaptic Package Manager

then use either search tool to look for "webcam", hopefully that should give you a few programs worth installing to try out or to find out about.

Note that usually packages that start with a "k" or in this case replace the "c" of cam with a "k" will usually try to drag almost the entire KDE desktop environment. This is great if you wanted to try out Kubuntu along with Ubuntu with installing it separately but it does mean you get a huge amount of extra packages. Kate is a great text-editor but Gedit (for the gnome desktop environment) suits me fine. I don't need both really. Normal Ubuntu uses the Gnome desktop environment which can use Gtk packages easily, but not KDE. Err, i have probably made this "as clear as mud" so feel free to ask.

I just had a look in Synaptic and found 3 packages that might be worth installing ...
Hopefully just by installing one of these you will find your IM client suddenly does start being able to transmit video.

There was also a special package for Philips cameras so it might be worth doing another search in synaptic looking for the manufacturers of you camera.

Good luck and happy hunting!
Regards from
Tom :)

Revision history for this message
Ronnie Barnes (lazybug69) said :

This problem was solved by upgrading to Ubuntu 10.4 my webcam Microsoft VX1000 worked out of the box without any problems.


Revision history for this message
Tom (tom6) said :

Hi :)

Brilliant, nicely done :)
Glad you have fixed this problem too. It seems the only machine 10.04 does not like is my one! Typical huh? It just about works and so does Fedora so i am hoping the 10.06 alpha/beta testing resolves my problems. I am hoping to keep most of my clients on 10.04 because it is LTS and i had got tired of too frequently upgrading to fix 1 or 2 issues. Almost everything seems to work fine with the 10.04 :) (except my own new graphics card).

Many regards from
Tom :)