Update on 10.10 fails when restarting cups

Asked by Bob Walker

Attempting to update 10.10 (kernal 2.6.35-23) prior to upgrading to 11.04.
'Prepare' and 'Getting new packages' work fine.
However, during Install, setting up of libc6 hangs when restarting cups. Any ideas??

... snipped...
Setting up libc6 (2.13-0ubuntu13) ...
Generating locales...
  en_AG_UTF-8... done
  en_ZW_UTF-8... done
Generation complete.
Checking for services that may need to be restarted...
Checking init scripts...
WARNING: init script for samba not found.

Restarting services possible affected by the upgrade:
  postfix: restarting...done.
  mysql: restarting...done.
  cups: restarting...
** Never gets past this point.

Thanks, Bob

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English Edit question
Ubuntu update-manager Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Bob Walker
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Last reply:
Revision history for this message
Bob Walker (bwalker99) said :

Well, I got a bit further. The problem seems to be with cups. Not sure what happened to it,

Restarted and ran >dpkg --configure -a
This did the same install of libc6 as above, but at least it timed out on failing to restart cups. The upgrade never times out.

Re-ran the upgrade and it got past the previous blockage but hangs again when it restart cups again.

Revision history for this message
rienesl (rienesl) said :

had the same problem and when aborting that (switching off the computer) the system was wrecked. So I got my Backup, tried it a second time: Same Problem. Then I opened TTY1 and typed in "sudo start cups" - no success. Then I tried it with "sudo stop cups" and voila: That's it! I had to do this a second time when the setup goes further and here the stop command worked there, too!

Revision history for this message
Bob Walker (bwalker99) said :

Thanks for the response. It looks like my problem is cups.
'sudo stop cups' hangs and never returns.
So, looks like I need to fix this problem first, as it is part of an upgrade.
I'll close this one now.
Thanks, Bob.

Revision history for this message
tsbertalan (09rp9wq1q-tom-anzd5soo2) said :

I did "sudo htop", hit the / key and searched for cups, and then did F9, 9, Enter to kill the "restart cups" process. Later, when it again hung on "start cups", I did the same thing. If you don't have htop, you can probably do the same thing by finding the offending processes with "ps aux | grep cups", and then killing them with "kill -s 9 ####", where #### is the PID from the ps command.