Help with icons in top right corner

Asked by Margaret Mackintosh

When my husband logs in to his user account he has in the top left corner of the screen 'File, Edit, View, History, Bookmarks, Tools and Help'.

But the things that is suppose to be in the top right corner 'envelope icon, battery icon, connection icon, sound icon, clock, name and the icon for the drop list to shut down the computer & other things' is not there.

These do not show if you put the mouse in that corner. So to shut off or restart the computer he needs to press the start/shut off key.

That sometimes gets the shut off window up.

When I start my account, mine is the opposite.

I have all the above mentioned icons in the right hand corner and to get what he has in the left hand corner I just put the mouse in that area and they pop up.

Not so with his.

I am also the 'Administrator' on the laptop.

But, I don't know anything about how to program a computer.

What I want to know is how to go about getting all the above mentioned icons in the top right hand corner on his account so he can do different things if he wants to - like shut down the computer?

If anyone has an answer, please help.

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Ubuntu unity Edit question
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Margaret Mackintosh (mackintosh-margaret) said :

Oh! I would like to mention I now have Ubuntu-11.10 on my laptop.

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Chris (fabricator4) said :

These reset options seem to work for most people:

The most common cause seems to be systems that have been upgraded rather than re-installed; the old settings seems to confuse the new DE.


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Margaret Mackintosh (mackintosh-margaret) said :

Chris, thanks, I checked out that link, but says to use at your own risk. I don't want to mess up my user account trying to get my husbands to work right. When I downloaded Ubuntu 11.10 I thought I would be putting it on a DVD. When I recently checked the download page for Ubuntu for a friend who has Windows and is thinking of switching I did see a Download selection for a DVD. So I can still do that download and maybe after installing everything will be as it is suppose to be. But, if there are any other suggestions, I would like to hear them.


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Chris (fabricator4) said :

Hi, you need to use those commands logged into your husband's account - don't run them on yours. The "use at your own risk" thing is just a standard disclaimer.

If you are still nervous you could set up a dummy account to practice running the commands and see what they do. They have helped the last few people I've suggested them to.

The standard CD install is fine - the DVD ISO would have extra stuff which you probably don't need. Any extras that you want are available for install from the repositories in any case.


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Margaret Mackintosh (mackintosh-margaret) said :

Thanks Chris. In that case I will give it a try tomorrow. To late tonight. Will let you and everyone know how it turns out when I get it done.


> To: <email address hidden>
> From: <email address hidden>
> Subject: Re: [Question #176069]: Help with icons in top right corner
> Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2011 19:31:07 +0000
> Your question #176069 on unity in Ubuntu changed:
> Status: Open => Answered
> Chris proposed the following answer:
> Hi, you need to use those commands logged into your husband's account -
> don't run them on yours. The "use at your own risk" thing is just a
> standard disclaimer.
> If you are still nervous you could set up a dummy account to practice
> running the commands and see what they do. They have helped the last
> few people I've suggested them to.
> The standard CD install is fine - the DVD ISO would have extra stuff
> which you probably don't need. Any extras that you want are available
> for install from the repositories in any case.
> Chris

Revision history for this message
Margaret Mackintosh (mackintosh-margaret) said :

Hi Chris,

I just tried to do this while into my husbands user account. I cannot open the web browser as there is nothing there to click on. He does not even have the side panel that would of had the web browser icon. So there is no way to open the browser or anything.


> To: <email address hidden>
> From: <email address hidden>
> Subject: Re: [Question #176069]: Help with icons in top right corner
> Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2011 19:31:07 +0000
> Your question #176069 on unity in Ubuntu changed:
> Status: Open => Answered
> Chris proposed the following answer:
> Hi, you need to use those commands logged into your husband's account -
> don't run them on yours. The "use at your own risk" thing is just a
> standard disclaimer.
> If you are still nervous you could set up a dummy account to practice
> running the commands and see what they do. They have helped the last
> few people I've suggested them to.
> The standard CD install is fine - the DVD ISO would have extra stuff
> which you probably don't need. Any extras that you want are available
> for install from the repositories in any case.
> Chris
> --
> If this answers your question, please go to the following page to let us
> know that it is solved:
> If you still need help, you can reply to this email or go to the
> following page to enter your feedback:
> You received this question notification because you asked the question.

Revision history for this message
Margaret Mackintosh (mackintosh-margaret) said :


I just checked the 'guest account' and it has everything. So if I cannot get my husbands icons back on his account, he can be a 'guest' and use that account. Still would like suggestions though.


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Margaret Mackintosh (mackintosh-margaret) said :

I am now not able to shut down the computer. I click the 'icon' in the far right top corner for the drop down list that has 'shutdown computer' in it. I click on that and I do get the window about 'shut down, restart, etc.'. When I click on shut down I get my log in screen again and it starts all over again. This is on my user account. So any suggestions or should I just do another download?


Revision history for this message
Best Chris (fabricator4) said :

Margaret, it sounds like you need to reset you own Unity as well now. Try it on your husband's account first. Use the console. You'll need to print or write down these instructions.

At the login screen just hit <ctrl><alt><F2> to switch to tty2 console. Log in to your husband's account - type the username then press enter, then type the password and press enter. You won't see anything on the screen when you type the password - just type it correctly and press enter. Now use the following commands:

#reset all the compiz settings
gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-1
#reset unity
unity --reset

Now press <ctrl><alt><F7> to get back tot he DM window and log in to your husband's account. Is it fixed? Try your own account and do the above for yours if it is not working.

If you can't shut down the computer try the following.
Open the tty console again - <ctrl><alt><F2>
Log in as your username and type

sudo shutdown -h now

The computer should shut everything down and turn off.


Revision history for this message
Margaret Mackintosh (mackintosh-margaret) said :

Thanks Chris. Will give it a go.

Revision history for this message
Margaret Mackintosh (mackintosh-margaret) said :

Well Chris, I did as you said and got into tty2. But, could go no further as when it ask for the login name and since I was on Gary's login I put his name and tried to put his password. Said incorrect login for margaret-Z56 (my name the system gave my laptop). So I figured it wanted my login name and password but wrong again. So what does it want - the Administrator's name and password? I didn't get any further and to shut the computer it refused the command you told me to write and I had to force a shutdown. Don't like to do that.

Revision history for this message
Margaret Mackintosh (mackintosh-margaret) said :

Getting discouraged and thinking about going back to Ubuntu10.04 LTS.... No hassles.

Revision history for this message
Margaret Mackintosh (mackintosh-margaret) said :


I tried to do as you suggested. Ubuntu -11.10 has named my laptop 'margaret-Z62FM'. No matter who's name and password I try to use while in the tty2 mode, it keeps saying it is incorrect. I even tried the Administrator's. None worked. I am getting fed up with Ubuntu-11.10... I think I will reinstall Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I would of kept it in the first place but thought a upgrade would be better. To do a regular download for me it takes for 16 to 20 hours, thats why I did a 'Bit Torrent download'. The download is a whole lot faster but the upload time 'sucks'. May have only 1 or 2 peers helping if you're lucky. But stays 'idle' most of the time, so it takes hours and hours to upload. Just so discouraged.


> To: <email address hidden>
> From: <email address hidden>
> Subject: Re: [Question #176069]: Help with icons in top right corner
> Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2011 17:45:59 +0000
> Your question #176069 on unity in Ubuntu changed:
> Status: Open => Answered
> Chris proposed the following answer:
> Margaret, it sounds like you need to reset you own Unity as well now.
> Try it on your husband's account first. Use the console. You'll need
> to print or write down these instructions.
> At the login screen just hit <ctrl><alt><F2> to switch to tty2 console.
> Log in to your husband's account - type the username then press enter,
> then type the password and press enter. You won't see anything on the
> screen when you type the password - just type it correctly and press
> enter. Now use the following commands:
> -------------------------------------------------
> #reset all the compiz settings
> gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-1
> #reset unity
> unity --reset
> #logout
> logout
> -------------------------------------------------
> Now press <ctrl><alt><F7> to get back tot he DM window and log in to
> your husband's account. Is it fixed? Try your own account and do the
> above for yours if it is not working.
> If you can't shut down the computer try the following.
> Open the tty console again - <ctrl><alt><F2>
> Log in as your username and type
> sudo shutdown -h now
> The computer should shut everything down and turn off.
> Chris
> --
> If this answers your question, please go to the following page to let us
> know that it is solved:
> If you still need help, you can reply to this email or go to the
> following page to enter your feedback:
> You received this question notification because you asked the question.

Revision history for this message
Chris (fabricator4) said :

Margaret, you can get back to the DM login window by pressing <ctrl><alt><F7>. From there you can either shut down or login to X.

The username you need to type is your husbands (or yours if you want to log in yourself) and the password. Some people have trouble because you get no feed back on the screen for the password. Just type the username and press enter, then very carefully type the password. Make sure the caps lock key is not on.


Revision history for this message
Margaret Mackintosh (mackintosh-margaret) said :

Hi Chris and everyone,

I want to thank Chris for all of his help even though the laptop would not let me use it. I did check different things on the laptop. On the User Accounts, I deleted my husbands account but kept his files. Then I opened a new account for him and ALL THE ICONS ARE THERE. So this has solved the problem. He now has all the icons on his user account. Once again Chris thanks for all the advice.


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Margaret Mackintosh (mackintosh-margaret) said :

Thanks Chris, that solved my question.

Revision history for this message
Margaret Mackintosh (mackintosh-margaret) said :


Thank you very much for trying to help me out even though I wasn't able to use the info. By checking different things. I decided to cancel Gary's user account but I saved his files. Then I opened a new one for him and all the icons are there. So he is back in business. Again thank you for trying to help me out.


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Margaret Mackintosh (mackintosh-margaret) said :

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