What distro for my machine

Asked by Paul Hysen

I have an old retired desktop with a old Gigabyte board (1998 vintage) a 1 Ghz Intel processor, 500 Mb of ram, and 160 Gb HD which used to run Windows 98se with all my business programs. I want to use this to cut my teeth on Ubuntu with a view of migrating to Ubuntu completely later on my main working machine. Any suggestions for a suitable Ubuntu version and some kind directions and/or a download link? Thanks, Paul.

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actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

I'd go for Lubuntu 12.04. You could also run slitaz or tinycore and be ok. Puppy will also run well.

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Paul Hysen (paulhysen) said :

Thanks for that, on serching for Lubuntu I found Xubuntu, which seems to be more feature rich than Lubuntu. According to the specs it should also run.

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Best codemaniac (arijit.dutta) said :

You can grab live cd s of both and see which one works best on your hardware .

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Paul Hysen (paulhysen) said :

Thanks for that, I have done so. Interestingly Xubuntu came via a Torrent and downloaded in nearly half the time to Lubuntu which was a standard download.