Questions for roundcube in Ubuntu

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Summary Created Submitter Assignee Status
Answered 687364 Why roundcube is not installed in /usr/share/php/roundcube ? 2019-12-20 12:08:52 UTC ñull Answered
Answered 276730 roundcube jqueryui, zipdownload not loading? 2015-12-05 07:19:24 UTC Rodney Navratil Answered
Answered 225972 Where is roundcube 0.8.x? 2013-04-05 14:52:48 UTC Sven Neuhaus Answered
Answered 216905 May the maintainer please update this to the latest stable version? The latest version is 0.8.4 :) 2012-12-16 00:32:54 UTC Halvor Lyche Strandvoll Answered
Answered 195383 no sqlite option 2012-04-30 11:39:53 UTC Brian J. Murrell Answered
Solved 173081 backport of roundcube 2011-10-03 11:11:24 UTC Egbert Solved
Solved 105294 Updates for other repos than lucid? 2010-03-23 13:19:59 UTC ZipmaO Solved
17 of 7 results

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