pkexec language environment

Asked by MarianoAbsatz


in my home computer I have Spanish as the default language since we all speak Spanish.

However, I (and only I) am much more comfortable using the computer in English rather than in Spanish, so I have set my own user language as English.

Most things work just as I want, however, there are a couple of things that I always noted that displayed in Spanish within my own user.

Digging a bit today, I noticed it was synaptic and gparted... digging a bit deeper, I found out that they're invoked using pkexec within unity (that is, the actual command launched are synaptic-pkexec and gparted-pkexec.

Now, I notice that if I invoke the command as "gksu synaptic", "sudo synaptic" or "gksudo synaptic", it starts up in English, however, if I invoke it as "synaptic-pkexec" or "pkexec synaptic", it appears in Spanish.

I tried adding "LANG=" and "LC*=" variables to root's .profile and .bashrc to no avail.

Where can I set the language that applications invoked through pkexec will use? I DON'T want to change the system's default language.


Question information

English Edit question
Ubuntu policykit-1 Edit question
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Revision history for this message
N1ck 7h0m4d4k15 (nicktux) said :

I can see you are a "digger" , so try to take a look in

cat .pam_environment

cat /etc/default/locale


Revision history for this message
MarianoAbsatz (el-baby) said :

Mmmhhhh... that kinda works.

I see no .pam_environment (not in my home, or root's home and can't find any using 'locate .pam_environment'.

I modified /etc/default/locale and set LANG and LANGUAGE to 'en_GB' (I can't stand the American Way of Displaying Dates and Times) :-)

However, now, every time I log in with my wife's user, I get a window (in Spanish) telling me that the language changed and offering me to rename the Public/Download/etc folders to the new language (which I imagine is English). I told it not to, but I get the message every time.

What's strange is that the menus and everything in her account are still in Spanish.

Keep in mind that all users (except your humble nerd) expect the OS to be in Spanish.

Revision history for this message
N1ck 7h0m4d4k15 (nicktux) said :

On 10/08/2012 01:20 AM, MarianoAbsatz wrote:
> Question #210620 on policykit-1 in Ubuntu changed:
> Status: Answered => Open
> MarianoAbsatz is still having a problem:
> Mmmhhhh... that kinda works.
> I see no .pam_environment (not in my home, or root's home and can't find
> any using 'locate .pam_environment'.
> I modified /etc/default/locale and set LANG and LANGUAGE to 'en_GB' (I
> can't stand the American Way of Displaying Dates and Times) :-)
> However, now, every time I log in with my wife's user, I get a window
> (in Spanish) telling me that the language changed and offering me to
> rename the Public/Download/etc folders to the new language (which I
> imagine is English). I told it not to, but I get the message every time.
> What's strange is that the menus and everything in her account are still
> in Spanish.
> Keep in mind that all users (except your humble nerd) expect the OS to
> be in Spanish.
Yes , the /etc/default/locale applies for all users. So leave it for
now. Do not change this file.
Undo the changes.

Try to add an entry in .dmrc file for per user.

eg : for your account add


In your wife's .dmrc file add the appropriate locale for Spanish language.
Logout - login and check.


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