msktutil Release 1.2

Asked by Max

The msktutil project has now had release version 1.2! (

Is it possible this will make Jammy and/or earlier LTSs?

Also it it possible to please update the "Homepage" from Sourceforge to GitHub?

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Revision history for this message
Manfred Hampl (m-hampl) said :

Manfred Hampl suggests this article as an answer to your question:
FAQ #3037: “no rolling release”.

Revision history for this message
Manfred Hampl (m-hampl) said (last edit ):

For updating older releases see the FAQ linked above.

For jammy:
Ubuntu is copying packages from Debian (to avoid double packaging work) and also Debian has only versions up to 1.1, see
Apparently Debian has not noticed the move from sourceforge to github either.
Meanwhile the freeze dates for jammy have been passed, so I think it will be too late for jammy (unless freeze exceptions are approved).

First step to get msktutil version 1.2 into a future Ubuntu release is creating a bug in Debian's bug tracker system to inform them of the github move and that a new release is available.

Revision history for this message
Max (foorack) said :

Hello @Manfred Hampl,

This has now been fixed in

Msktutil in Debian has now been updated to 1.2:


Revision history for this message
Max (foorack) said :

> Ubuntu is copying packages from Debian (to avoid double packaging work)

Will this copying happen automatically? If so, when? Or is some extra work needed on Ubuntu's side?

Revision history for this message
Manfred Hampl (m-hampl) said (last edit ):

Already written in comment #4:

Meanwhile the freeze dates for jammy have been passed, so I think it will be too late for jammy (unless freeze exceptions are approved).

I assume that msktutil 1.2.* will make it only into the next Ubuntu release after jammy (letter k, October 2022).
You can try creating a bug report to request a SRU for jammy or you can try creating a PPA with such version yourself.

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