Answered questions for kubuntu-meta in Ubuntu

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Summary Created Submitter Assignee Status
Answered 119448 Password Lockout Policy 2010-07-30 11:02:52 UTC Karthi Answered
Solved 113118 I just installed Kubuntu 10.4 32 bits, When I click on a url in thunderbird, how do I get firefox pop up over thunderbird? 2010-06-01 16:34:02 UTC LawnBoy Solved
Solved 67745 Changing from ubuntu to kubuntu 2009-04-17 12:15:43 UTC ankit Solved
Solved 63847 ubuntu to kubuntu 2009-03-11 16:32:20 UTC NateMaster Solved
Solved 38524 Avast detects Kubuntu installer tmp file as a trojan! 2008-07-07 07:45:37 UTC rayne.alex Solved
Answered 3932 any KDE program can show today's task and events from panel or tray area? 2007-02-27 03:25:59 UTC LI Daobing Answered
5156 of 56 results

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