How can I reset everything to original settings?

Asked by Michael Kenniston

I've been using Ubuntu for years but am a complete newbie with kdenlive. I started playing with moving panels around, and have completely messed up my kdenlive configuration. I'd like to just restore everything to the way it was when I first installed kdenlive with Synaptic package manager. I tried completely removing the package, rebooting my Unbuntu system, and re-installing, but it still remembers all the panel settings. Is there some magic file I need to delete to make it forget all the bad stuff I did to it? The way it is now, I've made it completely unusable for a beginner like me. (Next time I'll know to save the original config as button "1", but it's too late for that now.)

I realize that another approach would be to manually drag each panel back where it belongs, but I haven't been able to find any examples showing what to grab, or even where one panel ends and the next one begins. When I look at the screen now, I'm completely lost.

I'm using kdenlive 0.6.0-svn because I have an 8.04 Ubuntu system and that's what Synaptic gives me.

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Ubuntu kdenlive Edit question
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Solved by:
marcobra (Marco Braida)
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Revision history for this message
Best marcobra (Marco Braida) (marcobra) said :

Please simply remove the kdenlive settings...: try deleting the



Revision history for this message
Michael Kenniston (t-launchpad-michaelkenniston-com) said :

Thanks marcobra (Marco Braida), that solved my question.