setkey is not run automatically on system start

Asked by MegaBrutal

The „setkey” service should run at system startup to add keys defined in /etc/ipsec-tools.conf.

However, no keys are defined after system boot:

root@ReThinkCentre:~# setkey -D
No SAD entries.

After inquiring systemd, I learn this:

root@ReThinkCentre:~# systemctl status setkey
● setkey.service - LSB: option to manually manipulate the IPsec SA/SP database
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/setkey; bad; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)
     Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)

ápr 25 21:15:28 ReThinkCentre systemd[1]: setkey.service: Job setkey.service/start deleted to break ordering cycle starting with

Upon manually calling „systemctl start setkey” after the system booted up, the keys are added properly – but it is not feasible to do after each reboot.

Moreover, I can't help to notice that /etc/init.d/setkey is a legacy SysV init script. No proper systemd service file seems to exist for setkey. I think it would be a great time to add one.

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Ubuntu ipsec-tools Edit question
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