Teething problem of a Ubuntu beginner
Have only had Linux Ubuntu for 1 week, installed it in a disk partition shared by Win XP: I think it is amazing and want to move to position where I can eventually minimise dependence on Windows, even possibly delete it altogether one day. Have one small irritation which I have not yet been able to resolve: If I leave the computer for more than a couple of minutes it locks me out and I have to enter my password to resume. Please can you tell me how I can extend the unlocked period or preferably prevent the system from locking me out until I am ready to shut down. The strange thing to me is that when boot up the PC I go straight into Linux without having to enter my password at all. I have tried everything that looks as though it should work but well, they don't work!! .........
Regards, Roy Peacock
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- English Edit question
- Status:
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- Solved by:
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