How do I control cursor movement and size?

Asked by Duane Prugh

I'm trying to slow down mouse action and make cursor larger with trails - Ant help?

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Revision history for this message
N1ck 7h0m4d4k15 (nicktux) said :

Hi ,

please open a terminal and provide more info

Give the results of these commands

1) cat /etc/lsb-release && uname -r

2) xinput --list


Revision history for this message
Sam_ (and-sam) said :

For LTS 12.04 and Unity open system settings (top panel, right corner),

section hardware → mouse.

Resizing mouse cursor can be done by dconf-editor (needs installation of dconf-tools).
Then alt+f2, run dconf-editor.
Navigate to

and set cursor size. Logout-in to apply.

Or install a large cursor theme (e.g. big-cursor, universe repository) or from or any other preferred web site, then enable it by the cmd below and logout-in.

sudo update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme

In case compiz is troubling (there're still open bugs) try this.

Afaik the trailing feature comes from a compiz plugin which is in compiz-plugins-extra.
To apply you need CCSM, compizconfig-settings-manager.

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