How to set 'search' and 'domain' options in instances' resolv.conf by Eucalyptus
I experience the following problem:
when I start an instance of Lucid image it gets the hostname like ip-192-168-1-2. Later when I do
$ sudo apt-get update
I get the message
sudo: unable to resolve host ip-192-168-1-2
Actually I can fix this by changing resolv.conf to:
domain vtcloud. # my private dns zone
search vtcloud
nameserver # my private dns with 'vtcloud' zone configured and A-record for ip-192-
Previously resolv.conf looked like:
nameserver # injected by Eucalyptus
nameserver # injected by Eucalyptus according to my dns configuration in Web-UI of UEC
Nevertheless, a few minutes later my new resolv.conf is reverted to default configuration by Eucalyptus.
So, I just want to find out Is there any way to set 'domain' and 'search' options in instances' resolv.conf automatically by Eucalyptus?
Thank you.
Question information
- Language:
- English Edit question
- Status:
- Solved
- Assignee:
- No assignee Edit question
- Solved by:
- Stanislav Savulchik
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