Bookmarklets no longer work in Karmic Koala

Asked by moftasa

I upgraded recently from Jaunty to Karmic and I discovered that my bookmarklets don't work anymore. I installed epiphany-extensions and this didn't help.

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moftasa (mostafa-gmail) said :

Found this as a bug reported in the GNOME buzilla and Xan Lopez and epiphany developer says it is fixed and will 2.29.5. Will Karmic users get this update?

Revision history for this message
Doug McMahon (mc3man) said :

>Will Karmic users get this update?

Unlikely, though it appears to already be in lucid

You may find it available in a ppa..? at some point.

search page for ubuntu ppa's

see it in 3rd ppa listed, can't vouch for, don't use epiphany

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