Answered questions for bleachbit in Ubuntu

Summary Created Submitter Assignee Status
Solved 686429 Upgrade BleachBit in repositories to latest v3, even when Debian haven't updated, yet 2019-11-30 16:22:15 UTC Tobias B. Besemer Solved
Solved 225388 Please could you advise which of the following kernels I may remove, and the terminal commands to do so 2013-03-28 23:37:55 UTC jegpad Solved
Solved 217715 Broken kernel after cleaning up grub 2012-12-27 09:40:57 UTC Edmond Condillac Solved
Solved 216122 Deleting Memory with BleachBit 2012-12-06 18:10:25 UTC Edmond Condillac Solved
Solved 214623 bleachbit install does not complete properly because of a python dependency? 2012-11-19 15:14:44 UTC Bill Wilson Solved
Solved 206788 how to clean up disc space 2012-08-25 15:37:01 UTC Leroy Fisher Solved
Solved 203143 Bleachbit also clean my wallpaper 2012-07-14 12:24:12 UTC arnupharb Solved
Solved 192501 What is the best way to free up space in Ubuntu12.04 2012-04-03 10:46:38 UTC Gerard Derksen Solved
Solved 183072 I wish to use bleachbit from the terminal command but my research led me to an out dated command line 2011-12-28 00:11:50 UTC William Gamache Solved
Answered 171167 I need help to delete all the files I have been saved on my web book, thank you. 2011-09-14 20:37:17 UTC r.clark Answered
Solved 141562 i am looking for a system software that changes default software application to open file,clears cache and so more. 2011-01-15 14:59:40 UTC mrugesh thaker Solved
Answered 134690 need a disk clean program for ubuntu 9.10 2010-11-19 14:12:35 UTC Roger Dean Sullivan Answered
Solved 133852 Errno13 message when letting bleachbit run 2010-11-13 06:20:10 UTC Tim Solved
Answered 122634 bleachbit replicates itself 2010-08-25 01:46:09 UTC marcus aurelius Answered
Solved 121079 How to remove unneeded language files 2010-08-14 07:19:19 UTC MikeR Solved
115 of 15 results

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