How to use 915resolution with Vesa on Hardy

Asked by Sb

Hi there,

I have an Intel 915 graphics chip. The default intel driver for Xorg uses a huge amount of memory. I prefer to use VESA. On Ubuntu Gutsy, I could switch to the VESA driver and then install 915resolution, and use VESA with 1280x800 resolution. But how can I do this with Hardy and the new Xorg autoconfiguration system? Thanks!

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Bhavani Shankar (bhavi) said :


In your xorg.conf,
Scroll down to the device section, and change whatever driver you have to vesa.

Section "Device"
 Identifier "your video card's name"
 Driver "vesa"
 BusID "some bus ID"

You don't need to reboot after that - just re-start the xserver, either with ctrl-alt-backspace or with 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'

To use vesa.

Then enable the universe repositories and install the 915 resolution package

sudo aot-get install 915resolution


Bhavani Shankar.

Revision history for this message
Sb (sb56637) said :

Thanks for the reply! However, I think the device section doesn't exist anymore in the xorg.conf.

Revision history for this message
Bhavani Shankar (bhavi) said :

Hello sb

exists with my hardy installation

Section "Device"
 Identifier "Configured Video Device"
 Option "UseFBDev" "true"
 Driver "fglrx"

Please check your xorg..

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