bluetooth pairing problems

Asked by pete smout

I've been trying for 3 days to send some photos from my Sony Erickson k550i phone to my pc via blue-tooth! I'm using a blue-tooth usb dongle, and although my phone recognizes my pc and my pc recognizes my phone the 2 will not pair! and sending file from my phone to my pc seems impossible!

I've trawled through the numerous threads on here following instructions along the way with no luck!

Please can someone help

Note I also have a usb cable to connect the phone direct to my pc, however when i plug it in the pc does not recognize the phone! so I am unable (probably my fault!) to get my photos this way either!

Many thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide.


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pete smout
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pete smout (petersmout03) said :

Solved it with tanks to dvarsam. I found the following very helpful!

Just started from the top and worked my way down!