Frozen laptop after 17.04 to 17.10 upgrade

Asked by Ricardo Diamondo

I recently upgraded my 64bit 17.04 to 17.10.
Towards the end of the download it did say that not all parts were upgraded, but now, after restarting, I find that Ubuntu is not starting at all - I just get the "Ubuntu with flashing dots" all the time (I have left it for over 30mins and still nothing happens). This has left this new laptop useless.
I am using my old 32 bit 16.04 to leave this request.

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Solved by:
Ricardo Diamondo
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Revision history for this message
Manfred Hampl (m-hampl) said :

Does booting into an older kernel (by selecting advanced mode from the grub menu) work?

Revision history for this message
Ricardo Diamondo (dick-diamond2000) said :

Thanks for getting back to me Manfred.
Please forgive my ignorance, I'm a pensioner with limited experience.
I fear that I do not know how to boot from an old kernel, or how to access the advanced mode from the grub menu.
Access to Terminal seems impossible.
I bought the laptop with 17.04 pre-installed so have no CD/DVD to reboot from.

Revision history for this message
actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

Reboot the system and hold SHIFT
Use cursors to select the advanced features and hit ENTER
Choose an older kernel (not one with "recovery mode" next to it)

Revision history for this message
Ricardo Diamondo (dick-diamond2000) said :

Sorry, have tried holding SHIFT and no difference.
Have also tried F10, F11 & F12 in separate reboots and none of these work either...

Revision history for this message
Manfred Hampl (m-hampl) said :

Try hitting the shift key several times early during the boot process.

Revision history for this message
Ricardo Diamondo (dick-diamond2000) said :

Have tried hitting shift whilst rebooting a few times now. Now stuck on blank grey screen, during last attempt....

Revision history for this message
Ricardo Diamondo (dick-diamond2000) said :

Have been in touch with Starlab Systems who made my laptop and found it was the Escape key on their systems to enter grub.
However, having selected some of the previous Linux generic options, I find that after selecting each I am still stuck with the Ubuntu with flashing dots screen!
I'm currently trying Linux 4.10.0 30 generic.
Any other options gratefully accepted... at least Grub is now available.

Revision history for this message
Ricardo Diamondo (dick-diamond2000) said :

My new computer is still rendered useless after upgrading to 17.10.

I have tried all older kernels now, to no effect. (4.10.0-40 generic to 4.10.0-19 generic)

This seems a serious problem for this upgrade, if it renders computers useless, perhaps others should be warned if it is so serious?

Revision history for this message
Manfred Hampl (m-hampl) said :

Whatever happened with your system during upgrade, this is not the normal behavior, and thousands of other users have upgraded without problems.

You wrote that during the upgrade "it did say that not all parts were upgraded". Are you able to give more details about the error message that was shown?

Are you able to boot into the command line interface by selecting advanced - root command prompt?

Revision history for this message
Ricardo Diamondo (dick-diamond2000) said :

It started when I tried to upgrade, when it initially said that the upgrade would resume, although I had never started it before.
Then, at the end, 3 boxes came up separately saying that not all the upgrade was completed and asking if I wanted to send an error report.
I said Yes to all these boxes.
I then used the computer for a while before shutting down.
Since then I have not been able to restart it.

Yesterday I was getting desperate and tried "recovery mode" on one of the Linux generic options on the grub list.
This seems to have made matters even worse and I now only have 2 of these options left on the list - the last 2.

Have I totally blown it?

Revision history for this message
Manfred Hampl (m-hampl) said :

What selections are offered on the first grub screen?

Revision history for this message
Ricardo Diamondo (dick-diamond2000) said :

On 1st Screen:

Advanced Options for Ubuntu
System setup

From Advanced Options I now only get:

Ubuntu with Linux 4.10.0-42-generic
Ubuntu with Linux 4.10.0-42-generic (upstart)
Ubuntu with Linux 4.10.0-42-generic (recovery mode)
Ubuntu with Linux 4.10.0-40-generic
Ubuntu with Linux 4.10.0-40-generic (upstart)
Ubuntu with Linux 4.10.0-40-generic (recovery mode)

Revision history for this message
Manfred Hampl (m-hampl) said :

This is quite normal.

Try the following:
Boot normally until you see the Ubuntu logo and the five dots, and then press the escape key.
This should remove the logo and show a text with the progress of the boot process.
What do you see in the last line(s)?

Revision history for this message
Ricardo Diamondo (dick-diamond2000) said :

I seem to have lost the Ubuntu with 5 dots now.
It comes up briefly when I start, then the usual: /dev.sda2 clean (large number) files, (large number) blocks.
But whereas it would now usually now go back to Ubuntu + 5 dots, all I get now is a grey screen.
I have tried numerous times now and same result....

Revision history for this message
Manfred Hampl (m-hampl) said :

Is this a laptop with built-in display or a desktop computer with external monitor?
What make and model?

Revision history for this message
Ricardo Diamondo (dick-diamond2000) said :

It's a Laptop with built-in display.
Made by Star Labs Systems in UK
It's the smaller Star Lite model. Serial Number: OALU57
Hope this helps.

Revision history for this message
Manfred Hampl (m-hampl) said :

Can you find out what make and model the graphic adapter is?

Revision history for this message
Ricardo Diamondo (dick-diamond2000) said :

Have sent request to Star Labs for this info.
Will let you know when they reply.

Revision history for this message
Ricardo Diamondo (dick-diamond2000) said :

They just got back with the info and some suggestions (which I will ignore for now as I don't want to work on 2 tracks at the same time).
The model is "Star Lite Mk I" and graphics adapter is "Intel HD Graphics 505"
Hope this helps.

Revision history for this message
Manfred Hampl (m-hampl) said :

Maybe it is better to follow their advice; they should be experts on their hardware.

Revision history for this message
Ricardo Diamondo (dick-diamond2000) said :

After trying various commands through Terminal after advice from Star Labs, I still have no joy so have sent my laptop back to the makers and will report back when they have sorted it out. Perhaps a hardware problem?

Revision history for this message
Ricardo Diamondo (dick-diamond2000) said :

Have received my laptop back, fixed.
Still not sure what the problem was but it is fixed now and I'm on 17.01.
Thanks for help received from you.