Xubuntu 7.04 installation does not detect existing partitions

Asked by arp

I am facing couple of issues with Xubuntu 7.04 installation. Here is my setup...

1) I have an old machine - 400 MHz Pentium II with 256 MB RAM and 20 GB hard drive.

2) First, I partitioned my 20 GB hard drive using fdisk as follows...
Primary partition C: - 8 GB
Extended partition
    Logical drive 1: 6 GB (will use this for "/")
    Logical drive 2: 1 GB (will use this for "swap")
    Logical drive 3: 6 GB (will use this for "shared")

3) I installed Windows 98 on primary partition. Everything works fine.

4) I burnt the Xubuntu 7.04 Desktop CD using the .iso from this location - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/7.04/release/xubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso

5) I booted using the Xubuntu Desktop CD. Xubuntu menu shows up and I verified that the CD is okay. I then clicked on the first link to launch Xubuntu from the Desktop CD.

Here are the issues...
1) I am assuming the Xubuntu Desktop CD is a "Live CD". I see the following icons on the desktop - "Windows" (which is my C: Win98 installation", "Floppy drive", "Trash", "Home", "File System", "Examples", "Install".
I don't see any menus at all. Shouldn't I see a menu bar at the top and bottom with "Applications" at the top? I used to see it with the Xubuntu 6.10 Desktop CD. Is there a bug in the Xubuntu 7.04 Desktop CD?

2) I clicked on "Install" to start the installation. On the "Prepare disk space" screen, I selected the "Manual" option. When I get to the "Prepare partitions" screen, it does not detect my Windows partition and the 3 volumes on the extended partition. It wants to partition the entire disk.
The Xubuntu 6.10 Desktop CD detected this scenario without a problem and I was able to format the "/" and "swap" partitions as "ext3".
Is there a bug in the Xubuntu 7.04 Desktop CD?

I am stuck. How do I proceed? I am hoping the answer is not "use the command line installer". The GUI partition tool in Xubuntu 6.10 seemed much better.

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Revision history for this message
Robert Rittenhouse (rrittenhouse) said :

I'm having this same problem with Ubuntu 7.04... It will not detect my drive (or partitions on that drive) and im left with nothing else to do?! Any ideas?

Revision history for this message
debianmigrant (debianmigrant) said :

I have filed a bug report about this issue:


Revision history for this message
debianmigrant (debianmigrant) said :

There is a work around here - but not sure if it applies to your situation


Hope it does help though

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Demosthenes (demosthenes) said :

similar problem?

I have downloded the 'feisty' 32 bit DVD ISO and got stuck on the first stage of installation - I have 3 hard drives - one IDE and two SATA - XP OS is on one SATA drive with 2 partitions (one OS, one data), second SATA drive has one music partition and one spare 20GB partition. Was formatted NTFS. All partitions are NTFS (I know I will need to reformat say the IDE drive as FAT32 so Ubuntu can share it).

Problem - basically Ubuntu (I think Open Suse had this problem as well when I tried it a short time ago) can not 'see' the 20GB partition I have set aside. I have tried 'unallocating' the partition in XP, same problem.

So problem is thus - is it possible to install to this partition without screwing any existing data or configuration, and will 20GB cut it for now (I will just stick the home directory on here and a 2GB swap partition as well) - I fully intend to install many toys and anything else that looks 'interesting'.

I have obtained Partition Magic but this will not install as it can not 'see' a FAT32 or 16 partition on the 'main' drive. Why it needs to I am not sure.

Can you help with this problem?

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