Asked by zeldur

Hello I am REALLY new on Ubuntu , and some time back I installed ubuntu Hardy heron (8.04) .
But now I want back the windows xp, can I dual boot? how do i do that ?
I really need some help here, please help me.

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Tirrex_Falcon (matthew-tidd) said :

You can dual boot XP and Ubuntu. It takes some doing but it's not impossible.

First off install Win XP on the system and bring it up to at least mostly functioning status, this way you won't waste time configuring an OS to only have to reinstall it later cause something snafu'ed. Once XP is going run the live CD in the Try Ubuntu mode. Once it is booted click the install icon on the desktop and follow the instructions. When you get to the Partitioning step you'll need to do the following.

first partition (sda1) will be your windows partition which will be an primary partition
second partition (sda2) will be your /Boot partition which only needs to be 100mb and it to is a primary partition
third partition (sda*) will be your / (root) partition and that will be a logical partition
fourht partion (sda*) will be your Swap area, I recommend that this be twice the size of your ram (2gb ram = 4 gig Swap) it is my understanding that this is Ubuntu's "Paging file" ala windows.

After that if there is any space left turn it into a shared partition so that win and Ubuntu can talk back and forth and your done. Kick off the install and cross your fingers.

I believe that is everything that I did in order to get my laptop to Dual boot. You can browse through my thread on the subject and get some information from the Guru that helped me.

Good luck, Hope things work better for you... It took me a week to finally hammer mine out. :-D

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zeldur (zeldur-mtb) said :

Thank you, but I can not boot from the xp cd, what should I do ?

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Bhavani Shankar (bhavi) said :
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zeldur (zeldur-mtb) said :

I cant boot the ubuntu Live cd either :( :S What should I do ?

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Matthias Niess (mniess) said :

Hi Zeldur. Is your computer configured to boot from CD? When it starts you can enter the BIOS setup.. usually by pressing a key like DEL, F2 or something like it (check out your motherboard documentation). In the BIOS setup there will be a menu item which allows you to set the boot order. Set this to boot from CD first. The Windows-CD should now boot.

If you want to keep your Ubuntu installation refer to the above link. In short: you have to use a partitioning program to make room for windows, install windows (which kills Ubuntus bootmanager), reinstall the bootmanager (grub).

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Tirrex_Falcon (matthew-tidd) said :

Any luck with your project Zeldur?

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jscc88 (jscc88-deactivatedaccount) said :

is true, you can get a liuve cd and get start ubuntu with its

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golikitti (golikitti) said :

You could install Virtual Box or VMWare in Ubuntu and install XP within that.

 HowTo: Windows (XP) on Ubuntu with VMWare Server (

Installing VirtualBox On Ubuntu ( )

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