i got a big problem i put ubuntu on my macbook with leopard and when i was installing it i hit use the whole disk in the partitioning part and i think i installed ubuntu over leopard because when it starts it just goes into ubuntu

Asked by milkman

well i went and installed ubuntu 8.04 and everything was going good i wanted to dual boot ubuntu and leopard but when the partitioning part came up (it was late at night and i was very sleepy) i just hit use whole disk and hit enter not relizing what i did until about a second after i did it and then after it installed i booted up the computer and i got a file with a question mark in it then it booted into ubuntu and it didnt even ask witch os to start so i was wondering if there is any way of getting rid of ubuntu and going back to leopard oh and i dont have the restore disks because i bought the macbook off of craigslist and i dont want to have to buy leopard if i dont have to

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Jim Hutchinson (jphutch) said :

Well, if you want to reinstall OS X you have to have an install disc. You can check and see what partitions still exist by opening a terminal and typing

sudo fdisk -l

Enter your password (nothing shows as you type). That will print out the partitions on the drive. If OS X is still there, there should be an HPFS partition. If you don't see that then you probalby erased it. I think with a mac most people use boot camp to partition and then set up Ubuntu on the "windows" partition. If you did that then maybe OS X is still there. There is also a nice mac boot loader called rEFIt. It makes dual booting a bit nicer on a mac.

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t_robert (amoresunaramera) said :

unfortunately, milkman, i'm pretty sure you've lost your leopard. i did the same thing when i first installed ubuntu. i did not know how to do the manual partitioning so i chose to use the whole disk - it did what it said, it used the whole disk and wiped out clean my ntfs partition for xp. i hope you'd backed up important files...

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David Jones (dj) said :

  So what is the problem Ubuntu is much beter prog. but to reinstall your old sys you will need disk sorry!!

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