missing libs files : how to get these

Asked by uye

i try to install openjdk-6-jre from add/remove option to my ubuntu 8.04 LTS and only recd the errors
=== /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/bin/java : error while loading shared libs : libjli.so : cannot open shared object file : No such file or directory. I again try to install sun-java6-jre from synaptic but get the similar file missing error which is
error : could not find libjava.so
From where or how can i get these missing libs.
Thanks for yr guidance in anticipation.

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Shanmuhanathan T (shanmuha) said :

try installing sun-java6-bin.
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin.

Revision history for this message
marcobra (Marco Braida) (marcobra) said :

How to install Java

To install sun-java6

Please first enable the multiverse repository:

Open System → Administration → Software sources → [ Tab Ubuntu software ]
enable "Software restrictecd by copyright or legal issue ( multiverse )"
Close and confirm the repository reload.

Then open a Terminal from the menu Applications → Accessories → Terminal and type:

sudo aptitude update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo aptitude install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin

give your user password when requested, you don't see nothing when you type it, then press enter.

and then select this as your default java jre with

sudo update-java-alternatives

Hope this helps

Revision history for this message
Gert Jensen (gertjensen) said :

When I try to share a file, it tells me I am missing some files. What are they and where can I get them?
Thank you.

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