Need help deleting Linux partation

Asked by dinesh

I had Windows XP in my computer but i wanted to try Ubuntu for a while so downloaded the desktop version 8.04. When i installing Ubuntu in my computer i selected the option that says use the entire disk space for installation and doing that it deleted my partition. I HAD EVERYTHING BACKED UP SO i thought it was not a problem for me to reinstall my windows back in from recovery disk. when i tried to install windows back to my computer from my recovery disk it gave me a error message saying that recovery cds does not support the pc format. i was stuck. i thought that my recovery disk could not read the Linux partition so i had a different windows cd, (only windows, not the recovery cds with lots of crap that pc company sends you when you first buy your cd.) i thought of using that cd to get windows back in to my pc. But i got the similar error message saying that "windows could not complete installation process, windows could not find the hard drive in in your computer, please make sure that you have your hard drive connected. Press F3 to quit installation." now i am stuck, so please someone help me to delete my LINUX partition so that i can have my windows back to my computer. I still have my UBUNTU running in my computer but i still need my windows. Your help will be appreciated.
Thank you

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Wyatt Smith (wyatt-smith) said :

Windows is unable to read linux partitions, if fact it does not even see linux partitions. Since you installed with the option to use the entire disk, there is no available space that windows can see on the disk.

You have two options:

1) Resize you linux partition to create space to install windows. By doing this you will end up with a dual-boot system that can boot to windows or ubuntu. This is nice because if you ever had problems with windows, you can boot to linux to help repair it.

2) Completely remove/delete your linux partition

Despite what you choose to do, you will have to use the linux partition editor gparted. You cannot use gparted on mounted partitions so you must boot linux with the LiveCD. Then start gparted with the menu System-> Administration-> Partition Editor.

You the partition editor to resize or delete the linux partition. You will then have to create a primary ntfs partition for windows. Please review this website and look at the help section. It will help you if you are unfamiliar with the program gparted.

If you plan on dual-booting window and linux you will to reinstall grub boot loader after you install windows. Steps 1-6 in the quick guide will help you to do this.

Hope this helps.

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Bhavani Shankar (bhavi) said :


To delete ubuntu completely and have only windows please refer:


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dinesh (sagaradhikari) said :

Thanks Bhawani,
"Completely remove/delete your linux partition
Despite what you choose to do, you will have to use the linux partition editor gparted. You cannot use gparted on mounted partitions so you must boot linux with the LiveCD. Then start gparted with the menu System-> Administration-> Partition Editor."
i did as you said but still neither my windows cd reads my hard drive nor my recovery cd runs in it. I am still in the same place.
i have a gparted cd and i guess i am not using it in right way. i can delete the linux partition but still i get the same erroe message saying "windows could nor find hard drive connected to your computer" and when i use the recovery cds it says "recovery cd does not support the pc format" same messages as above.
i did google search and found that fdisk can help to complety delete the linux partition but i dont know how to get to command prompt of fdisk in linux and also it is my laptop i dont have floppy. so i still need help with this.

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Wyatt Smith (wyatt-smith) said :

Please use gparted cd to delete all partitions on your drive. At this point the disk should contain nothing but unallocated space. In this unallocated space create a new primary partition partition and format it as ntfs. For disk changes to take effect you must hit the apply button. After gparted performs these action you should be able to reinstall windows.

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dinesh (sagaradhikari) said :

i have done that thousands times and i still get the same error message saying the recovery discs do not support this pc model

and when i try to boot from harddisk it says GRUB loading and stops saying err 22 coz i deleted the UBUNTU partition too.

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Bhavani Shankar (bhavi) said :

Restore /fix master boot record

# Boot the system from the Windows installation CD.

# When prompted, press R to repair the system. Setup may prompt you as to which installation you want to repair. If you have more than one copy of Windows installed, be sure to select the copy that you are having problems with.

# At this point, the Recovery Console will load and will prompt you to enter the local administrator's password. Keep in mind this is often different from the domain/users administrator's password.

# Once you enter the password, you'll be taken to a command prompt. Type FIXMBR and press enter.


c:\> fixmbr

and pop in the windows CD and install windows


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dinesh (sagaradhikari) said :

What i did was restarted my computer and put my windows cd in my optical drive and pressed R as u have suggested but it does no thing but says loding karnel and checking hardware at the lower bottom bar. no changes shows when i press any key in the key board. there is blue screen and bunch loading message at the bottom and at the end it says windows could not find harddrive. Thats all the same story. i am really frusted and about th break my computer. Any way i really thank you for your try

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Bhavani Shankar (bhavi) said :


Okay... You should format everything now and install windows and unfortunately it has to be done by booting through a floppy in this case...


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Andreas Troschka (signupbox) said :

That messages sounds suspicious.
It seems Dinesh is using such recovery CD-Rs delivered with special OEM versions of Windows sold with some brands/models of PCs like Compaq and so.
They expect to find particular sections of the hard disk containing part of the device drivers and other sw related to that computer.
By partitioning the hd using all the space on the disk that data has been wiped away.
The install process on the CD-R isn't now able to find that data and is claiming it can't recognize the PC (model) it expects.

In this case you should look on your PC manufacturer's web site, under "support".


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