Problem with boot-up of Ubuntu

Asked by Yaga

I just installed Ubuntu 8.04 on my laptop (IBM X61) on a 500 GB external USB drive. I am running windows XP on my (local) laptop Hard drive. When I boot up it gives me a boot option from which I can select Ubuntu or Windows.

However when I disconnect the USB drive my computer just hangs (it shows the words GRUB and then an error code). I think this has to do with the fact that it is looking for the USB drive and cant find it. Is there any way I can configure this so that if it doesnt find the USB drive, it defaults to booting up XP? Or am I stuck with carrying around this bulky external hard drive everywhere I go?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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sahab (sahabdeen) said :


When you Inatlled the ubuntu or other flavour of linux, The grup of linux boot loader install over the windows MBR(Master boot recorder). So the os boot option depending of the grup file (/boot/grup/grup.conf. /boot/grup/menu.list). If you disconnect the USB means the system unable to locate the grup file. It is the reason for your booting issue.

If we want to load windows xp without connecting USB means install the MBR using window bootable cd or floppy.
But I have doubt ubuntu wont be work or not


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